PortSystem		1.0

name			hrsh2csv
version			1.3
revision		1
description		converts Hours pdb files into CSV text files
long_description	Hours is a time-tracking utility for the PalmOS. \
	This utility converts Hours for PalmOS database files into       \
	comma-separated values text files.
categories		palm
homepage		http://hours.sourceforge.net/
platforms		darwin
maintainers		{css @cssdev}
master_sites 		sourceforge:hours
checksums		md5 2a7a4047807cc9de5e4fb92bf6bb8736

use_configure		no
post-extract {
	reinplace "s|prefix = /usr/local|prefix = ${destroot}${prefix}|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile

# For PowerPC, remove the endian conversion since PDBs are big endian.
platform powerpc {
    post-extract {
	reinplace "s|-O2 -D__MAC2PC_CONVERSION__|-O2|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile

destroot.args		mandir=${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1