PortSystem		1.0

name			jpilot
version			1.8.2
license			GPL-2
description		A Palm Pilot desktop for Unix
long_description	J-Pilot is a desktop organizer application for the palm pilot and other\
			Palm OS devices.  It is similar in functionality to the one that\
			3Com/Palm distributed.
categories		palm
homepage		http://www.jpilot.org/
platforms		darwin
maintainers		korseby.net:kristian.peters
master_sites 		http://www.jpilot.org/

checksums           md5     8b539d8943ac75c7890fc5c071e89adb \
                    sha256  2c28ed7acea27ae3d541036f2e2ca5ed7e0121badf477e3cfa5ec8d282337e23

configure.args		--with-libiconv-prefix=${prefix} \

depends_build		port:intltool port:pkgconfig
depends_lib		port:libiconv port:gtk2 port:pilot-link

livecheck.type		regex
livecheck.url		${homepage}download.html
livecheck.regex		${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)${extract.suffix}