# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 name pdflib version 7.0.5p3 categories print platforms darwin license Restrictive maintainers nomaintainer description PDFlib Lite (Source Code) is a subset of PDFlib long_description ${description}, a library of C routines that allow \ to programmatically generate PDF, the Adobe's \ Portable Document File format. homepage http://www.pdflib.com/download/free-software/pdflib-lite-7/ master_sites http://distcache.freebsd.org/local-distfiles/ale/ distname PDFlib-Lite-${version} checksums rmd160 daf4dea4e049bea4963dcc7d3dc0eabec47ca89b \ sha256 e5fb30678165d28b2bf066f78d5f5787e73a2a28d4902b63e3e07ce1678616c9 \ size 8179201 patchfiles patch-configure.diff \ patch-perl_Makefile.diff \ patch-libtool.diff configure.ccache no configure.args --without-java \ --without-perl \ --without-py \ --without-ruby \ --without-tcl # The existence of tiff header files interferes with PDFLib (#11789). configure.cppflags-replace -I${prefix}/include -isystem${prefix}/include test.run yes post-destroot { xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/ file copy ${worksrcpath}/doc/pdflib ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} } variant java description {Enable Java language binding} { configure.args-replace --without-java --with-java=yes } variant perl description {Enable Perl language binding} { depends_lib-append path:bin/perl:perl5 configure.args-replace --without-perl --with-perl=${prefix}/bin/perl } variant python27 description {Enable Python 2.7 binding} { set pyversion 2.7 depends_lib-append port:python[strsed ${pyversion} {g/[.]//}] configure.args-replace --without-py --with-py=${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${pyversion} configure.args-append --with-pyincl=${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${pyversion}/include/python${pyversion} configure.env-append PYTHONBIN=${prefix}/bin/python${pyversion} } variant tcl description {Enable Tcl language binding} { depends_lib-append path:bin/tclsh:tcl configure.args-replace --without-tcl --with-tcl=${prefix}/bin/tclsh } variant ruby description {Enable Ruby language binding} { depends_lib-append port:ruby pre-configure { set rubyIncl [file dirname [glob ${prefix}/lib/ruby/*/*/ruby.h]] configure.args-replace --without-ruby --with-ruby=${prefix} configure.args-append --with-rubyincl=${rubyIncl} } } if {[variant_isset universal]} { depends_build-append port:libtool post-configure { file copy -force ${prefix}/bin/glibtool ${worksrcpath}/libtool } } # The web page says “Note that PDFlib Lite is no longer maintained by PDFlib GmbH” # and that they “will not release new and updated versions”. livecheck.type none