PortSystem        1.0

PortGroup         python 1.0
PortGroup         github 1.0

github.setup      gitpython-developers async 0.6.2
name              py-async-task
maintainers       nomaintainer
platforms         darwin
license           BSD

description       Framework to process interdependent tasks in a pool of workers
long_description  Async is one more attempt to make the definition and \
                  execution of asynchronous interdependent operations easy. \
                  For that to work, you may define tasks which communicate \
                  with each other by channels. Channels transfer items, which \
                  is very similar to bytes flowing through pipes uses in \
                  inter-process communication.  Items will only be generated \
                  on demand, that is when you read from the respective output \

checksums           rmd160  381ca69e9e2413c4cf44bb7ca523b355caf39f64 \
                    sha256  f2dc9df8ac31890acbc98d787290083504d3987b0713b61a4414631dbf39fbc2

python.versions   27

if {${name} ne ${subport}} {
    depends_build   port:py${python.version}-setuptools

    livecheck.type  none