# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

PortSystem           1.0
PortGroup            python 1.0

name                 py-gnupg
version              0.4.4

description          A Python wrapper for GnuPG
long_description     The gnupg module allows Python programs to make use of \
                     the functionality provided by the GNU Privacy Guard \
                     (abbreviated GPG or GnuPG). Using this module, Python \
                     programs can encrypt and decrypt data, digitally sign \
                     documents and verify digital signatures, manage \
                     (generate, list and delete) encryption keys, using \
                     proven Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) encryption \
                     technology based on OpenPGP.
license              BSD
homepage             https://pythonhosted.org/python-gnupg/

categories-append    crypto security
platforms            darwin
maintainers          {@F30 f30.me:f30} openmaintainer

python.versions      27 35 36
depends_run          bin:gpg:gnupg2

master_sites         pypi:p/python-gnupg
distname             python-gnupg-${version}
checksums            rmd160  ccfbe0ac6cdb1eb4226f1be7f776a220f580314f \
                     sha256  45daf020b370bda13a1429c859fcdff0b766c0576844211446f9266cae97fb0e \
                     size    48292

# Only enable tests for individual subports as otherwise `${python.bin}` is not
# available
if {${subport} ne ${name}} {
    test.run         yes
    test.cmd         ${python.bin} test_gnupg.py