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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           python 1.0

name                py-idlsave
version             1.0.0
revision            2
maintainers         {robitaille @astrofrog}

categories-append   science
description         IDLSave - a python module to read IDL 'save' files
long_description    IDLSave is a pure Python module to import variables \
                    from IDL 'save' files (e.g. .sav) into Python, and does \
                    not require IDL to work. It has a very simple command-line \
                    interface, and converts all IDL variables to python types. \
                    Arrays are converted to Numpy arrays, and Structures are \
                    converted to Numpy record arrays.

platforms           darwin
license             MIT

homepage            http://astrofrog.github.com/idlsave/
master_sites        http://cloud.github.com/downloads/astrofrog/idlsave/
distname            IDLSave-${version}
checksums           md5  2b2d4d0cc69d12d327bff2a78bcb737d \
                    sha1  345a4f25b208c57be5996f4096061e86b8968284 \
                    rmd160  78e648439ca2eaab8a4e8529efca88e21dd25623

python.versions     27 34 35 36

if {${name} ne ${subport}} {
    depends_run-append  port:py${python.version}-numpy