PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup python 1.0

name            py-mpdclient2
version         0.48
description     Python MPD client library
categories-append      audio
maintainers     nomaintainer
long_description \
    Python library interfacing with MPD. Taken from Pygmy.

distname        pygmy-${version}
homepage        http://pygmy.berlios.de/
platforms       darwin
master_sites    ${homepage}files http://distfiles.macports.org/python/
use_bzip2       yes
checksums       md5 5cac04dbffff24a4b8f9ae0a77689a14 \
                sha1 a7c39edd8018a3238611813de0f43ba4c6ad61d3 \
                rmd160 064690b1d3ed52349d352d598e6fbdf89a4ced69

python.versions 27

if {${name} ne ${subport}} {
    build {
        # force bytecode compilation of mpdclient2.py => mpdclient2.pyc
        system -W ${worksrcpath} "${python.bin} -c 'import mpdclient2'"
    destroot {
        xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${python.pkgd}
        xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/mpdclient2.py \
        xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/mpdclient2.pyc \