# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup python 1.0 name py-notify-python set myname notify-python version 0.1.1 revision 5 categories-append python devel license GPL-2 maintainers {elelay @elelay} openmaintainer platforms darwin description libnotify python bindings long_description libnotify sends desktop notifications\ to a notification daemon, as defined in\ the Desktop Notifications spec.\ These notifications can be used to inform \ the user about an event or display some form \ of information without getting in the user's way.\ python-notify provides the Python bindings for libnotify homepage http://www.galago-project.org/ master_sites http://www.galago-project.org/files/releases/source/${myname} distname ${myname}-${version} use_bzip2 yes checksums md5 d247cf79b46cef7495deb0a76334f81d \ sha1 490693cf601793f50cef1a3c82ba75025497fc00 \ rmd160 52f5b5cc7c01be32525db7a2edc0f3dee41911ef # Use the python subports feature but notify-python uses make # rather than setup.py for building since there are compiled libraries. # So the build procedure must unravel the python PortGroup settings # and revert to values compatible with a make environment. python.versions 27 if {${name} ne ${subport}} { depends_build-append \ port:pkgconfig depends_lib-append port:libnotify \ port:py${python.version}-pygtk use_configure yes build.type gnu build.cmd make build.target all build.args {} destroot.cmd ${build.cmd} destroot.target install destroot.args {} destroot.destdir DESTDIR=${destroot} patchfiles patch-src-pynotifymodule-c.diff \ libnotify07.patch configure.python ${python.bin} configure.pkg_config_path ${python.prefix}/lib/pkgconfig configure.pre_args --prefix=${python.prefix} livecheck.type none } else { livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${master_sites} livecheck.regex "${myname}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)${extract.suffix}" }