PortSystem 1.0 name py-pyrexdoc version 0.1 categories python devel maintainers nomaintainer platforms darwin description A documentation generator for Pyrex-created modules long_description Pyrexdoc generates no-frills but usable documentation \ for modules created with Pyrex. This utility is \ needed because the regular Python doco generators \ like epydoc, pydoc, happydoc etc lose the plot when \ analysing modules created with Pyrex. homepage http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/~greg/python/Pyrex/tools/pyrexdoc master_sites ${homepage} distfiles pyrexdoc.tar checksums md5 3bb2130112e80ad84f798d00c4920e98 # Yuck -- work around gzip extract.cmd cat extract.pre_args "" extract.dir ${worksrcpath} extract.mkdir yes patchfiles patch-pyrexdoc.py use_configure no build { } destroot { xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/pyrexdoc.py ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/pyrexdoc }