PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup  cmake 1.0
PortGroup  github 1.0
cmake.out_of_source yes

github.setup        danfis libccd 2.0 v
epoch               20140327
revision            1
categories          science
maintainers         {mmoll @mamoll} openmaintainer
description         A library for collision detection between convex shapes
long_description    $description
platforms           darwin
license             BSD
configure.args-append -DCCD_DOUBLE=true

# github-generated tar ball doesn't match the one before move to github, remove
# with next release:
master_sites        macports_distfiles
checksums           md5     919415277e3baa1d157e713c0b597ab0 \
                    sha1    f6ab9053c7f3b18a781c8be973c1844c4421936a \
                    rmd160  3c66e503a411b97801d7d385cf4b511716639935

variant single_precision {
    configure.args-delete -DCCD_DOUBLE=true
    configure.args-append -DCCD_SINGLE=true