Do not add random directories.
--- m4/slg_searchdirs.m4.orig	2014-09-16 13:34:00.000000000 -0500
+++ m4/slg_searchdirs.m4	2015-09-30 01:27:24.000000000 -0500
@@ -6,19 +6,6 @@
        AC_MSG_NOTICE(Compiling under $host.)
-       # Bring additional directories where things might be found into our
-       # search path. I don't know why autoconf doesn't do this by default
-       for spfx in /usr/local /opt/local /sw /usr/local/ssl; do
-         AC_MSG_NOTICE([checking ${spfx}/include])
-         if test -d ${spfx}/include; then
-           CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I${spfx}/include"
-           LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L${spfx}/lib"
-           AC_MSG_NOTICE([ *** ADDING ${spfx}/include to CPPFLAGS *** ])
-           AC_MSG_NOTICE([ *** ADDING ${spfx}/lib to LDFLAGS *** ])
-         fi
-       done
-       AC_MSG_NOTICE([ CPPFLAGS = ${CPPFLAGS} ])        
-       AC_MSG_NOTICE([ LDFLAGS = ${LDFLAGS} ])        