#!/usr/bin/env bash # portfile generator for collectd plugins and their dependencies # vim:set noet ts=4 sw=4: # these lists are generated from collectd's ./configure output by applying the following regex: # s/\v\s*--enable-(\w+)\s+(.*)$/[\1]="\2"/ # After changing this script, run the following shell command to update the Portfile: # ( awk '/^# WARNING: This list is generated/ { exit } { print }' < Portfile | sed '$d' ; ./files/dep-gen.sh ) > Portfile.tmp; mv Portfile.tmp Portfile declare -a OPTIONS_ENABLE OPTIONS_ENABLE=( match_empty_counter match_hashed match_regex match_timediff match_value target_notification target_replace target_scale target_set target_v5upgrade ) declare -A PLUGINS PLUGINS=( [aggregation]="Aggregation plugin" [amqp]="AMQP output plugin" [apache]="Apache httpd statistics" [apcups]="Statistics of UPSes by APC" [apple_sensors]="Apple hardware sensors" [aquaero]="Aquaero hardware sensors" [ascent]="AscentEmu player statistics" [barometer]="Barometer sensor on I2C" [battery]="Battery statistics" [bind]="ISC Bind nameserver statistics" [ceph]="Ceph daemon statistics" [cgroups]="CGroups CPU usage accounting" [chrony]="Chrony statistics" [conntrack]="nf_conntrack statistics" [contextswitch]="context switch statistics" [cpu]="CPU usage statistics" [cpufreq]="CPU frequency statistics" [cpusleep]="CPU sleep statistics" [csv]="CSV output plugin" [curl]="CURL generic web statistics" [curl_json]="CouchDB statistics" [curl_xml]="CURL generic xml statistics" [dbi]="General database statistics" [df]="Filesystem usage statistics" [disk]="Disk usage statistics" [dns]="DNS traffic analysis" [dpdkevents]="Events from DPDK" [dpdkstat]="Stats from DPDK" [drbd]="DRBD statistics" [email]="EMail statistics" [entropy]="Entropy statistics" [ethstat]="Stats from NIC driver" [exec]="Execution of external programs" [fhcount]="File handles statistics" [filecount]="Count files in directories" [fscache]="fscache statistics" [gmond]="Ganglia plugin" [gps]="GPS plugin" [grpc]="gRPC plugin" [hddtemp]="Query hddtempd" [hugepages]="Hugepages statistics" [intel_pmu]="Intel performance monitor plugin" [intel_rdt]="Intel RDT monitor plugin" [interface]="Interface traffic statistics" [ipc]="IPC statistics" [ipmi]="IPMI sensor statistics" [iptables]="IPTables rule counters" [ipvs]="IPVS connection statistics" [irq]="IRQ statistics" [java]="Embed the Java Virtual Machine" [load]="System load" [log_logstash]="Logstash json_event compatible logging" [logfile]="File logging plugin" [lpar]="AIX logical partitions statistics" [lua]="Lua plugin" [lvm]="LVM statistics" [madwifi]="Madwifi wireless statistics" [mbmon]="Query mbmond" [mcelog]="Machine Check Exceptions notifications" [md]="md (Linux software RAID) devices" [memcachec]="memcachec statistics" [memcached]="memcached statistics" [memory]="Memory usage" [mic]="Intel Many Integrated Core stats" [modbus]="Modbus plugin" [mqtt]="MQTT output plugin" [multimeter]="Read multimeter values" [mysql]="MySQL statistics" [netapp]="NetApp plugin" [netlink]="Enhanced Linux network statistics" [network]="Network communication plugin" [nfs]="NFS statistics" [nginx]="nginx statistics" [notify_desktop]="Desktop notifications" [notify_email]="Email notifier" [notify_nagios]="Nagios notification plugin" [ntpd]="NTPd statistics" [numa]="NUMA virtual memory statistics" [nut]="Network UPS tools statistics" [olsrd]="olsrd statistics" [onewire]="OneWire sensor statistics" [openldap]="OpenLDAP statistics" [openvpn]="OpenVPN client statistics" [oracle]="Oracle plugin" [ovs_events]="OVS events plugin" [ovs_stats]="OVS statistics plugin" [perl]="Embed a Perl interpreter" [pf]="BSD packet filter (PF) statistics" [pinba]="Pinba statistics" [ping]="Network latency statistics" [postgresql]="PostgreSQL database statistics" [powerdns]="PowerDNS statistics" [processes]="Process statistics" [protocols]="Protocol (IP, TCP, ...) statistics" [python]="Embed a Python interpreter" [redis]="Redis plugin" [routeros]="RouterOS plugin" [rrdcached]="RRDTool output plugin" [rrdtool]="RRDTool output plugin" [sensors]="lm_sensors statistics" [serial]="serial port traffic" [sigrok]="sigrok acquisition sources" [smart]="SMART statistics" [snmp]="SNMP querying plugin" [snmp_agent]="SNMP agent plugin" [statsd]="StatsD plugin" [swap]="Swap usage statistics" [synproxy]="Synproxy stats plugin" [syslog]="Syslog logging plugin" [table]="Parsing of tabular data" [tail]="Parsing of logfiles" [tail_csv]="Parsing of CSV files" [tape]="Tape drive statistics" [tcpconns]="TCP connection statistics" [teamspeak2]="TeamSpeak2 server statistics" [ted]="Read The Energy Detective values" [thermal]="Linux ACPI thermal zone statistics" [threshold]="Threshold checking plugin" [tokyotyrant]="TokyoTyrant database statistics" [turbostat]="Advanced statistic on Intel cpu states" [unixsock]="Unixsock communication plugin" [uptime]="Uptime statistics" [users]="User statistics" [uuid]="UUID as hostname plugin" [varnish]="Varnish cache statistics" [virt]="Virtual machine statistics" [vmem]="Virtual memory statistics" [vserver]="Linux VServer statistics" [wireless]="Wireless statistics" [write_graphite]="Graphite / Carbon output plugin" [write_http]="HTTP output plugin" [write_kafka]="Kafka output plugin" [write_log]="Log output plugin" [write_mongodb]="MongoDB output plugin" [write_prometheus]="Prometheus write plugin" [write_redis]="Redis output plugin" [write_riemann]="Riemann output plugin" [write_sensu]="Sensu output plugin" [write_tsdb]="TSDB output plugin" [xencpu]="Xen Host CPU usage" [xmms]="XMMS statistics" [zfs_arc]="ZFS ARC statistics" [zone]="Solaris container statistics" [zookeeper]="Zookeeper statistics" ) # list of required dependencies by plugin declare -A PLUGIN_DEPS PLUGIN_DEPS=( [amqp]="port:rabbitmq-c" [apache]="port:curl" [ascent]="port:curl port:libxml2" [bind]="port:curl port:libxml2" [ceph]="port:yajl" [curl]="port:curl" [curl_json]="port:curl port:yajl" [curl_xml]="port:curl port:libxml2" [dbi]="port:libdbi" [dns]="port:libpcap" [gmond]="port:ganglia" [log_logstash]="port:yajl" [lua]="port:lua" [memcachec]="port:libmemcached" [memcached]="port:libmemcached" [mysql]="path:lib/mysql5/mysql/libmysqlclient.dylib:mysql5" [network]="port:libgcrypt" [nginx]="port:curl" [notify_desktop]="port:libnotify" [notify_nagios]="port:nagios" [notify_email]="port:libesmtp" [nut]="port:nut" [perl]="port:perl5.26" [pinba]="port:protobuf-c" [ping]="port:liboping" [postgresql]="port:postgresql96" [python]="port:python27" [redis]="port:libcredis" [rrdcached]="port:rrdtool" [rrdtool]="port:rrdtool" [snmp]="port:net-snmp" [snmp_agent]="port:net-snmp" [tokyotyrant]="port:tokyotyrant" [varnish]="port:varnish" [virt]="port:libvirt port:libxml2" [write_http]="port:curl" [write_riemann]="port:protobuf-c" ) # list of useless modules on macOS declare -A OSX_BLACKLIST OSX_BLACKLIST=( [aquaero]=1 # requires libaquaero5, which is not available [cgroups]=1 # Linux only [conntrack]=1 # Linux only [cpufreq]=1 # Linux only [dpdkstat]=1 # requires libdpdk, which is not available [dpdkevents]=1 # requires libdpdk, which is not available [drbd]=1 # Linux only [entropy]=1 # Linux only [fscache]=1 # Linux only [fhcount]=1 # Linux only [hugepages]=1 # Linux only [intel_rdt]=1 # requires intel-cmt-cat, which is not available [intel_pmu]=1 # requires libjevents, which is not available [ipc]=1 # No macOS support [ipmi]=1 # requires openipmithreads, which is not available [iptables]=1 # Linux only [ipvs]=1 # Linux only [irq]=1 # Linux only [lvm]=1 # Linux only [madwifi]=1 # Linux only [mcelog]=1 # Linux only [md]=1 # Linux only [mic]=1 # Intel Many Integrated Core (Xeon Phi) only [modbus]=1 # requires libmodbus, which is not available [mqtt]=1 # requires libmosquitto, which is not available [netapp]=1 # requires libnetapp, which is not available [netlink]=1 # requires libmnl, which is not available [nfs]=1 # Linux only [onewire]=1 # requires libowcapu, which is not available [oracle]=1 # requires libclntsh, which is not available [ovs_stats]=1 # Linux only [ovs_events]=1 # Linux only [processes]=1 # No macOS support [protocols]=1 # Linux only [redis]=1 # requires libcredis, which is not available [routeros]=1 # requires librouteros, which is not available [sensors]=1 # requires libsensors, which is not available [serial]=1 # Linux only [sigrok]=1 # requires libsigrok, which is not available [synproxy]=1 # Linux only [tape]=1 # Solaris only [thermal]=1 # Linux only [turbostat]=1 # Linux only [vmem]=1 # Linux only [vserver]=1 # Linux only [wireless]=1 # Linux only [write_mongodb]=1 # requires libmongoc, which is not available [write_redis]=1 # requires libcredis, which is not available [write_prometheus]=1 # requires libmicrohttpd, which is not available [write_riemann]=1 # requires libriemann (?), which is not available [write_kafka]=1 # requires librdkafka, which is not available [xencpu]=1 # requires libxen, which is not available [xmms]=1 # requires xmms, which is not available [zfs_arc]=1 # Solaris only [zone]=1 # Solaris only ) # list of standard modules on macOS declare -a OSX_STANDARD OSX_STANDARD=( aggregation apache apcups apple_sensors battery bind contextswitch cpu csv curl curl_xml df disk email exec filecount hddtemp interface load logfile mbmon memory multimeter network ntpd olsrd openvpn rrdcached rrdtool statsd swap syslog table tail tail_csv tcpconns teamspeak2 ted threshold unixsock uptime users uuid write_graphite write_http ) declare -A EXTRA_CODE read -r -d '' PERL_EXTRA <<'EOF' configure.args-append --with-perl=${prefix}/bin/perl5.26 EOF read -r -d '' POSTGRESQL_EXTRA <<'EOF' configure.cflags-append -I${prefix}/include/postgresql96 EOF read -r -d '' PYTHON_EXTRA <<'EOF' configure.args-append --with-python=${prefix}/bin/python2.7 EOF read -r -d '' JAVA_EXTRA <<'EOF' pre-configure { ui_warn "Compiling with Java will probably fail; if you want to make it work, read `Configuring with libjvm' in README in the upstream git" } EOF read -r -d '' NETWORK_EXTRA <<'EOF' # silence a deprecation warning configure.cflags-append -D_GCRYPT_IN_LIBGCRYPT=1 EOF EXTRA_CODE=( [perl]="$PERL_EXTRA" [postgresql]="$POSTGRESQL_EXTRA" [python]="$PYTHON_EXTRA" [java]="$JAVA_EXTRA" [network]="$NETWORK_EXTRA" ) echo "#######################################################" echo "# WARNING: This list is generated by files/dep-gen.sh #" echo "# Take care when editing manually! #" echo "#######################################################" echo echo "# enable all matches and targets, disable all other plugins" echo -n "configure.args-append" for option in $(printf "%s\n" ${OPTIONS_ENABLE[@]} | sort); do echo " \\" echo -n " --enable-$option" done for plugin in $(printf "%s\n" ${!PLUGINS[@]} | sort); do echo " \\" echo -n " --disable-$plugin" done echo echo for plugin in $(printf "%s\n" ${!PLUGINS[@]} | sort); do if [ -z "${OSX_BLACKLIST[$plugin]}" ]; then printf "variant %s description {%s} {\n" "$plugin" "${PLUGINS[$plugin]}" printf " configure.args-delete --disable-$plugin\n" printf " configure.args-append --enable-$plugin\n" if [ -n "${EXTRA_CODE[$plugin]}" ]; then echo echo " ${EXTRA_CODE[$plugin]}" fi if [ -n "${PLUGIN_DEPS[$plugin]}" ]; then printf "\n depends_lib-delete %s\n" "${PLUGIN_DEPS[$plugin]}" printf " depends_lib-append %s\n" "${PLUGIN_DEPS[$plugin]}" fi printf "}\n\n" fi done echo -n "default_variants" for plugin in $(printf "%s\n" ${OSX_STANDARD[@]} | sort); do echo " \\" printf " +%s" "$plugin" done echo echo