PortSystem 1.0 name port_cutleaves version 0.1.4 categories sysutils macports license BSD maintainers nomaintainer platforms darwin supported_archs noarch description Uninstall leaves. long_description Inspired by FreeBSD's pkg_cutleaves, port_cutleaves is \ an interactive script that eases the uninstallation of \ leaves - installed ports that are unrequested and have \ no dependents. homepage https://github.com/macports/macports-contrib/tree/master/port_cutleaves livecheck.type none master_sites macports checksums rmd160 56724b9c532330b1ef8783445880282d9a40510b \ sha256 a7f1b8e217f0222e9298fba60821f14bb8f7bb622f448188e70f0f8fc1614344