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PortSystem 1.0

name            xindy
version         2.5.1
revision        4

categories      tex textproc
license         GPL-2+
maintainers     {dports @drkp}
description     framework for generating indexes
long_description \
  xindy is an index processor that can be used to generate book-like \
  indexes for arbitrary document-preparation systems. This includes \
  systems such as TeX and LaTeX, the roff-family, SGML/XML-based systems \
  (e.g., HTML) that process some kind of text and generate indexing \
  information.  In comparison to other index processors xindy has \
  several powerful features that make it an ideal framework for \
  describing and generating complex indices, addressing especially \
  international indexing.

platforms       darwin
homepage        http://www.xindy.org/
master_sites    tex_ctan:indexing/${name}/base/

# compiled part of xindy (tex2xindy) can be universal
# clisp is called in the xindy Perl script
depends_skip_archcheck clisp

# fix error for Perl 5.26
# see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=826507
patchfiles-append patch-make-inp-rules.pl.diff

depends_lib     port:clisp
depends_build-append   \
    path:bin/perl:perl5 \

checksums       rmd160  8b888c589720c081720010a55e48d00e33fe0ad9 \
                sha256  2c8ee91db7217b5776b1ee5272dd259686f7ba3ec1d25c678f75a6c03fe9ba43

configure.args  --disable-docs
configure.perl  ${prefix}/bin/perl
configure.env-append \
    LATEX=${prefix}/bin/latex \
    PDFLATEX=${prefix}/bin/pdflatex \

build.env       LANG=C

variant doc description "Build documentation" {
    depends_build-append port:texlive-fonts-recommended \
                         port:texlive-latex-recommended \
                         port:texlive-latex-extra \
                         port:texlive-lang-cyrillic \

    configure.args-delete --disable-docs

default_variants +doc

livecheck.type  regex
livecheck.url   http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/indexing/xindy/base/
livecheck.regex "sion</td><td>(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*) </td>"