# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

PortSystem            1.0

name                  rhyme
version               0.9
revision                6
checksums               rmd160  5049ee3f2ad6d56d03fd28a7399129213f4ca808 \
                        sha256  11d4862cc3adfc18ea83ca233854c562fcebdc838fa7fb62de6ef3f63f992bd4 \
                        size    896013

categories            textproc
platforms             darwin
license               GPL-2
maintainers           gmail.com:israelchauca
description           Rhyming dictionary.
long_description      Command-line program that takes a word and returns to you \
                      a formatted list of all words that rhyme with it.
homepage              http://rhyme.sourceforge.net/
master_sites          sourceforge:project/rhyme/rhyme/${version}

depends_lib           port:gdbm \
                      port:readline \

patchfiles            patch-Makefile.diff

use_configure         no
variant universal {}

configure.cppflags-append \

use_parallel_build    no
build.args-append     PREFIX=${prefix}   \
                        CC=${configure.cc} \
                        FLAGS="${configure.cflags} [get_canonical_archflags cc]" \

destroot.args-append    PREFIX=${prefix}

livecheck.type        regex
livecheck.url         http://sourceforge.net/projects/$name/files/$name/
livecheck.regex       /${name}/(\[0-9.\]+)/