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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup github    1.0
PortGroup python    1.0

github.setup        linkchecker linkchecker 9.4.0 v
categories          www python
maintainers         {khindenburg @kurthindenburg} openmaintainer
platforms           darwin freebsd
license             GPL-2+

description         linkchecker for html pages
long_description    linkchecker for html pages with recursive checking, \
                    multithreaded, output can be colored or normal text, HTML, \
                    SQL, CSV or a sitemap graph in XML or GML format, additionally \
                    reports download time for HTML pages HTTP/1.1 and 1.0, HTTPS, \
                    FTP, mailto:, news:, nntp:, gopher, telnet and local file \
                    links are supported, restrict link checking with regular \
                    expression filters for URLs, proxy support, give \
                    username/password for HTTP and FTP authorization, robots.txt \
                    exclusion protocol support, i18n support, CGI web interface. \
                    The gui portion is no longer included as it is not maintained.

checksums           rmd160  0d9a4969fdfac4ee45412c08c28718d5fba01387 \
                    sha256  561122d58c5a8951456e1cc91028b4b1be309df44dc8a7e3604c6c9ba7d47db2 \
                    size    489926

python.default_version  27

depends_build-append    port:py27-setuptools

depends_lib-append  port:py27-dnspython \
                    port:py27-requests \

# A few tests fail to missing python modules
depends_test-append port:py${python.version}-py \
test.run            yes
test.env            PYTHONPATH=${worksrcpath}/build/lib