PortSystem          1.0
name                sitecopy
version             0.16.6
revision            1
categories          www
platforms           darwin
maintainers         hal-9k.de:julian
description         sitecopy website maintenance utility
long_description    sitecopy allows you to easily maintain remote Web sites. The program \
                    will upload files to the server which have changed locally, and delete \
                    files from the server which have been removed locally, keeping the \
                    remote site synchronized. FTP and WebDAV are supported.
homepage            http://www.manyfish.co.uk/sitecopy
master_sites        ${homepage}
checksums           md5     b3aeb5a5f00af3db90b408e8c32a6c01 \
                    sha1    2de3679d98c31331f48ff10e824c615a180f2d3b \
                    rmd160  9e1bb73272e88aa06ebf12323080f23dfe8f7ad8

depends_build       port:pkgconfig
depends_lib         port:neon

patchfiles          patch-Makefile.in patch-configure
configure.args      --docdir=${prefix}/share/doc/${name}