PortSystem 1.0

name             webpublish
version          0.1.1
categories       www
license          GPL-2+
maintainers      nomaintainer
description      web file publishing tool
long_description \
    WebPublish can be used to manage all of the details that are \
    associated with publishing a local copy of a website to one \
    or more remote servers using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). \
    Using WebPublish to manage the transfer of a website to one \
    or more servers allows the website developer to concentrate \
    on a website's content.
homepage         https://www.gnu.org/software/${name}/
platforms        darwin
supported_archs  i386 ppc
master_sites     https://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/${name}/
checksums \
    md5 fbe44cfd13da8c0816c6b5956bd3c9ee \
    sha1 f7809bfc4779529bec27dffaca8e9ae9e6c8a934 \
    rmd160 004192233b374bc06b16498672fe0c44c56816d2

patchfiles       patch-ftplib.h patch-ftplib.c

configure.args   --infodir=${prefix}/share/info