PortSystem 1.0

name		fluxbox
version		1.3.7
revision	1
categories	x11 x11-wm
maintainers	nomaintainer
platforms	darwin freebsd
license     MIT

description	Lightweight window manager based on Blackbox 0.61.1
long_description	It's based on the Blackbox 0.61.1 code. Fluxbox \
			looks like blackbox and handles styles, colors, \
			window placement and similar thing exactly like \
			blackbox (100% theme/style compatibility).

homepage	http://fluxbox.org
master_sites    sourceforge:project/fluxbox/fluxbox/${version}/

use_bzip2	yes

checksums       rmd160  efb8d458edf2b429fb2999eb184ab3aed6a54f7a \
                sha256  d47a58edba857f3c36bf8430bbd17834693ad0e6aa431d3507039f022af7aee8

use_parallel_build yes

depends_build   port:pkgconfig

depends_lib \
	port:imlib2 \
	port:xorg-libsm \
	port:Xft2 \
	port:xorg-libXinerama \
	port:xpm \
	port:xorg-libXrandr \

patchfiles      patch-Makefile.in.diff

configure.args	ac_cv_prog_regex_cmd="LC_CTYPE=C sed"

post-destroot {
    set docdir ${prefix}/share/doc/${subport}
    xinstall -d ${destroot}${docdir}
    xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} \
        AUTHORS \
        COPYING \
        ChangeLog \
        NEWS \
        README \
        TODO \
        doc/CODESTYLE \