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PortSystem          1.0

name                homebank
version             5.2.8
categories          x11 finance
license             GPL-2+
platforms           darwin
maintainers         {@sibador gmail.com:julien.barbey} openmaintainer
description         Software to manage personal accounts, light and simple.
long_description    HomeBank is the free software you have always wanted to \
                    manage your personal accounts at home. The main concept \
                    is to be light, simple and very easy to use. It brings \
                    you many features that allow you to analyze your \
                    finances in a detailed way instantly and dynamically \
                    with powerful report tools based on filtering and \
                    graphical charts.

homepage            http://homebank.free.fr/
master_sites        ${homepage}public/

checksums           rmd160  b5e582e62d71410887b4eada4c17c54e8872fe8d \
                    sha256  fe98a3585a23ed66695a96b9162dbf1872f4fd78c01471019b60786476bc558d \
                    size    2730743

depends_build       port:intltool \
depends_lib         port:gettext \
                    path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 \
                    port:gtk3 \
                    port:libofx \
                    port:librsvg \

# https://bugs.launchpad.net/intltool/+bug/1197875
use_autoreconf      yes