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<casaxml xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html"
<task type="function" name="fluxscale" category="calibration">
<shortdescription>Bootstrap the flux density scale from standard calibrators</shortdescription>
Bootstrap the flux density scale from standard calibrators:
After running gaincal on standard flux density calibrators (with or
without an image model), and other calibrators with unknown flux
densities (assumed 1 Jy), fluxscale applies the constraint that
net system gain was, in fact, independent of field, on average,
and that field-dependent gains in the input caltable are solely
a result of the unknown flux densities for the calibrators.
Using time-averaged gain amplitudes, the ratio between
each ordinary calibrator and the flux density calibrator(s) is
formed for each antenna and polarization (that they have in
common). The average of this ratio over antennas and polarizations
yields a correction factor that is applied to the ordinary
calibrators' gains. (See also more detailed discussion in Example section below.)
<param type="string" name="vis" mustexist="true">
<description>Name of input visibility file (MS)</description>
<param type="string" name="caltable">
<description>Name of input calibration table</description>
<param type="string" name="fluxtable">
<description>Name of output, flux-scaled calibration table</description>
<param type="stringArray" name="reference">
<description>Reference field name(s) (transfer flux scale FROM)</description>
<param type="stringArray" name="transfer">
<description>Transfer field name(s) (transfer flux scale TO), \'\' -> all</description>
<param type="string" direction="in" name="listfile">
<description>Name of listfile that contains the fit information. Default is '' (no file).</description>
<param type="bool" name="append">
<description>Append solutions?</description>