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<casaxml xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html"
<task type="function" name="importasdm" category="import/export" >
<shortdescription>Convert an ALMA Science Data Model observation into a CASA visibility file (MS)</shortdescription>
Convert an ALMA Science Data Model observation into a CASA visibility
<param type="string" name="asdm" kind="asdm" mustexist="true">
<shortdescription>Name of input asdm directory (on disk)</shortdescription>
<description>Name of input ASDM file (directory)
Example: asdm='ExecBlock3'
<param type="string" name="vis" kind="ms">
<shortdescription>Root name of the ms to be created. Note the .ms is NOT added</shortdescription>
<description>Root ms name.
Note that a prefix (.ms) is NOT appended to this
<param type="bool" name="createmms">
<shortdescription>Create a Multi-MS output</shortdescription>
<description>Create a Multi-MS partitioned according to the given
For more detailed documentation on partition,
Multi-MS and the MPI use in CASA, please see CASA
Docs (https://casa.nrao.edu/casadocs/).
<param type="string" name="separationaxis" ignorecase="true" subparam="true">
<shortdescription>Axis to do parallelization across (scan, spw, baseline, auto)</shortdescription>
<description>Axis to do parallelization across
Options: 'scan', 'spw', 'baseline', 'auto'
* auto: will partition per scan/spw to obtain
optimal load balancing with the following
1 - Maximize the scan/spw/field distribution
2 - Generate sub-MSs with similar size
* 'scan' or 'spw': will partition the MS into
scan or spw. The individual sub-MSs may not be
balanced with respect to the number of rows.
* 'baseline': mostly useful for Single-Dish
data. This axis will partition the MS based on
the available baselines. If the user wants only
auto-correlations, use the
ocorr_mode='ao'. Note that if numsubms='auto',
partition will try to create as many subMSs as
the number of available servers in the
cluster. If the user wants to have one subMS
for each baseline, set the numsubms parameter
to a number higher than the number of baselines
<allowed kind="enum" ignorecase="true">
<param type="any" name="numsubms" subparam="true">
<shortdescription>The number of SubMSs to create (auto or any number)</shortdescription>
<description>The number of sub-MSs to create in the Multi-Ms.