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<casaxml xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html"
<task type="function" name="importnro" category="single dish, import/export" >
<shortdescription>Convert NOSTAR data into a CASA visibility file (MS)</shortdescription>
Task importnro enables one to convert the data obtained with the
NRO45m telescope into the CASA MS2 format. At this moment, only the
OTF data (NOSTAR data) obtained with the SAM45 spectrometer is
supported, and the OTF data obtained with the other spectrometers
(e.g., AOS) and the PSW data (NEWSTAR data) are outside of scope
<param type="string" name="infile" mustexist="true">
<shortdescription>Name of input NOSTAR data</shortdescription>
<description>Name of input NOSTAR data
<param type="string" name="outputvis" kind="ms">
<shortdescription>Root name of the ms to be created. Note the .ms is NOT added </shortdescription>
<description>Root name of the ms to be created. Note the .ms is NOT
Example: outputvis='myms.ms'
<param type="bool" name="overwrite">
<shortdescription>Over write an existing MS(s)</shortdescription>
<description>Over write an existing MS(s)
Default: False (do not overwrite)
<param type="bool" name="parallel">
<shortdescription>Turn on parallel execution</shortdescription>
<description>Turn on parallel execution
Default: False (serial execution)