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<casaxml xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html"
<task type="function" name="sdimaging" category="single dish">
<shortdescription>SD task: imaging for total power and spectral data</shortdescription>
Task sdimaging creates an image from input single-dish data sets.
The input can be either total power and spectral data.
The coordinate of output image is defined by four axes, i.e., two
spatial axes, frequency and polarization axes.\n
By default, spatial coordinate of image is defined so that the all
pointing directions in POINTING tables of input data sets are covered
with the cell size, 1/3 of FWHM of primary beam of antennas in the
first MS. Therefore, it is often easiest to leave spatial definitions
at the default values. It is also possible to define spatial axes of
the image by specifying the image center direction (phasecenter),
number of image pixel (imsize) and size of the pixel (cell).\n
The frequency coordinate of image is defined by three parameters,
the number of channels (nchan), the channel id/frequency/velocity of
the first channel (start), and channel width (width).There are three
modes available to define unit of start and width, i.e., 'channel' (use
channel indices), 'frequency' (use frequency unit, e.g., 'GHz'),
and 'velocity' (use velocity unit, e.g., 'km/s'). By default, nchan,
start, and width are defined so that all selected spectral windows are
covered with the channel width equal to separation of first two
channels selected.\n
Finally, polarizations of image is defined by stokes parameter or
polarization. For example, stokes='XXYY' produces an image cube with
each plane contains the image of one of the polarizations, while
stokes='I' produces a 'total intensity' or Stokes I image.\n
The task also supports various grid function (convolution kernel) to
weight spectra as well as an option to remove the most extreme minimum
and maximum (unweighted) values prior to computing the gridded pixel
values. See description below for details of gridfunction available.
<param type="stringArray" name="infiles" mustexist="true">
<description>a list of names of input SD Measurementsets (only MS is allowed for this task)</description>
<param type="string" name="outfile">
<description>name of output image</description>
<param type="bool" name="overwrite">
<shortdescription>overwrite the output file if already exists [True, False]</shortdescription>
<description>overwrite the output file if already exists [True, False]</description>
<param type="any" name="field">
<description>select data by field IDs and names, e.g. "3C2*" (""=all)</description>
<any type="variant" limittypes="string stringArray"/>
<value type="string"></value>
<param type="any" name="spw">
<description>select data by IF IDs (spectral windows), e.g. "3,5,7" (""=all)</description>
<any type="variant" limittypes="string stringArray"/>
<value type="string"></value>
<param type="any" name="antenna">
<description>select data by antenna names or IDs, e.g, "PM03" ("" = all antennas)</description>
<any type="variant" limittypes="string stringArray"/>
<value type="string"></value>
<param type="any" name="scan">
<description>select data by scan numbers, e.g. "21~23" (""=all)</description>
<any type="variant" limittypes="string stringArray"/>
<value type="string"></value>
<param type="any" name="intent">
<description>select data by observational intent, e.g. "*ON_SOURCE*" (""=all)</description>