
Des Small authored 0c1effc27b5
Extending fringefit to use a list of reference antennas

The 'refant' parameter can be a list of antennae, and now we walk down the list for each solution, accepting the first choice which has some unflagged data.


1423 1423 }
1424 1424 }
1425 1425 gsl_matrix_free(lu);
1426 1426 gsl_matrix_free(inv_hess);
1427 1427 // SNR[i], according to aips, is 1/sqrt(sigma2*hess(i1,i1)*0.5);
1428 1428 // Note that in AIPS i1 ranges over 1..NANT
1429 1429 // We use 1 as a success code.
1430 1430 return 1;
1431 1431 }
1432 1432
1433 +
1434 +Int
1435 +findRefAntWithData(SDBList& sdbs, Vector<Int>& refAntList, Int prtlev) {
1436 + std::set<Int> activeAntennas;
1437 + for (Int ibuf=0; ibuf != sdbs.nSDB(); ibuf++) {
1438 + SolveDataBuffer& s(sdbs(ibuf));
1439 + if (!s.Ok())
1440 + continue;
1441 + Cube<Bool> fl = s.flagCube();
1442 + for (Int irow=0; irow!=s.nRows(); irow++) {
1443 + if (s.flagRow()(irow))
1444 + continue;
1445 + Int a1(s.antenna1()(irow));
1446 + Int a2(s.antenna2()(irow));
1447 + // Not using irow
1448 + Matrix<Bool> flr = fl.xyPlane(irow);
1449 + if (!allTrue(flr)) {
1450 + activeAntennas.insert(a1);
1451 + activeAntennas.insert(a2);
1452 + }
1453 + }
1454 + }
1455 + if (prtlev > 2) {
1456 + cout << "[] activeAntennas: ";
1457 + std::copy(
1458 + activeAntennas.begin(),
1459 + activeAntennas.end(),
1460 + std::ostream_iterator<Int>(std::cout, " ")
1461 + );
1462 + cout << endl;
1463 + }
1464 + Int refAnt = -1;
1465 + for (Vector<Int>::ConstIteratorSTL a = refAntList.begin(); a != refAntList.end(); a++) {
1466 + if (activeAntennas.find(*a) != activeAntennas.end()) {
1467 + if (prtlev > 2)
1468 + cout << "[] We are choosing refant " << *a << endl;
1469 + refAnt = *a;
1470 + break;
1471 + } else {
1472 + if (prtlev > 2)
1473 + cout << "[] No data for refant " << *a << endl;
1474 + }
1475 + }
1476 + return refAntList(0);
1477 +}
1478 +
1479 +
1433 1480 // Stolen from SolveDataBuffer
1434 1481 void
1435 1482 aggregateTimeCentroid(SDBList& sdbs, Int refAnt, std::map<Int, Double>& aggregateTime) {
1436 1483 // Weighted average of SDBs' timeCentroids
1437 1484 std::map<Int, Double> aggregateWeight;
1438 1485 for (Int i=0; i < sdbs.nSDB(); ++i) {
1439 1486 SolveDataBuffer& s = sdbs(i);
1440 1487 Vector<Double> wtvD;
1441 1488 // Sum over correlations and channels to get a vector of weights for each row
1442 1489 Vector<Float> wtv(partialSums(s.weightSpectrum(), IPosition(2, 0, 1)));
1886 1933 for (uInt ispw=0;ispw<spwMap().nelements();++ispw)
1887 1934 if (spwMap()(ispw)>-1)
1888 1935 KrefFreqs_(ispw)=tmpfreqs(spwMap()(ispw));
1889 1936 }
1890 1937
1891 1938 }
1892 1939
1893 1940 void FringeJones::setSolve(const Record& solve) {
1894 1941
1895 1942 // Call parent to do conventional things
1943 + if (prtlev() > 2) {
1944 + cout << "Before GJones::setSolve" << endl
1945 + << "FringeJones::setSolve()" <<endl
1946 + << "FringeJones::refant() = "<< refant() <<endl
1947 + << "FringeJones::refantlist() = "<< refantlist() <<endl;
1948 + }
1896 1949 GJones::setSolve(solve);
1897 1950
1898 1951 // if (!ct_)
1899 1952 // throw(AipsError("No calibration table specified"));
1900 1953 // cerr << "setSolve here, ct_: "<< ct_ << endl;
1901 1954
1902 1955 // Trap unspecified refant:
1903 1956 if (refant()<0)
1904 1957 throw(AipsError("Please specify a good reference antenna (refant) explicitly."));
1905 1958 if (solve.isDefined("zerorates")) {
2037 2090 Double t0 = sdbs(0).time()(0);
2038 2091 Double dt0 = refTime() - t0;
2039 2092 //Double df0 = ref_freq - sdbs.freqs()(0);
2040 2093 //Double df0 = 0;
2041 2094 Double df0 = centroidFreq - sdbs(0).freqs()(0); // global center to global edge
2042 2095
2043 2096 logSink() << "Solving for fringes for spw=" << currSpw() << " at t="
2044 2097 << MVTime(refTime()/C::day).string(MVTime::YMD,7) << LogIO::POST;
2045 2098
2046 2099 std::map<Int, Double> aggregateTime;
2100 + // Set the refant to the first choice that has data!
2101 + refant() = findRefAntWithData(sdbs, refantlist(), prtlev());
2102 + if (refant()<0)
2103 + throw(AipsError("No valid reference antenna supplied."));
2104 +
2047 2105 aggregateTimeCentroid(sdbs, refant(), aggregateTime);
2048 2106
2049 2107 if (DEVDEBUG) {
2050 2108 std::cerr << "Weighted time centroids" << endl;
2051 2109 for (auto it=aggregateTime.begin(); it!=aggregateTime.end(); ++it)
2052 2110 std::cerr << it->first << " => " << it->second - t0 << std::endl;
2053 2111 }
2054 2112
2055 2113 DelayRateFFT drf(sdbs, refant(), delayWindow(), rateWindow());
2056 2114 drf.FFT();

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