
George Moellenbrock authored 4c262217f97
Fixing a subtle error in apparentsens described in CAS-11460:  relTonat~=6 error when using natural weighting caused by an indexing error on the flags, which caused the visibility weight sum to spuriously accumulate weights from flagged data (whereas gridded weights were correctly accumulating zeros).

This caused a generally small (few %) overestimate of the effective sensitivivity level (i.e., predicted rms a few % too large).
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2338 2338 Cube<Float> wtc;
2339 2339 if (doWtSp)
2340 2340 // WS available [nCorr,nChan,nRow]
2341 2341 wtc.reference(vb->weightSpectrum());
2342 2342 else {
2343 2343 // WS UNavailable weight()[nCorr,nRow] --> [nCorr,nChan,nRow]
2344 2344 wtc.reference(vb->weight().reform(IPosition(3,nCorr,1,nRow))); // unchan'd weight as single-chan
2345 2345 }
2346 2346 Int nChanWt=wtc.shape()(1); // Might be 1 (no WtSp)
2347 2347
2348 - Array<Bool> flagCube(vb->flagCube());
2349 - VectorIterator<Bool> flagiter(flagCube);
2348 + Cube<Bool> flagCube(vb->flagCube());
2350 2349 for (Int row=0; row<nRow; row++) {
2351 2350 if (!rowFlags(row) && a1(row)!=a2(row)) { // exclude ACs
2352 2351
2353 2352 for (Int ich=0;ich<vb->nChannels();++ich) {
2354 - Vector<Bool> thisflag(flagiter.vector());
2355 - //if(!flag(ich,row)&&(iNatWt>0.0)) {
2356 - if(ntrue(thisflag)==0) { // all correlations UNflagged, this row, ich
2353 + if( !flagCube(0,ich,row) && !flagCube(nCorr-1,ich,row)) { // p-hands unflagged
2357 2354
2358 2355 // Accumulate relevant info
2359 2356
2360 2357 // Simple sum of p-hand for now
2361 2358 iNatWt=wtc(0,ich%nChanWt,row)+wtc(nCorr-1,ich%nChanWt,row);
2362 2359
2363 2360 iGridWt=2.0f*vb->imagingWeight()(ich,row);
2364 - sumNatWt+=(iNatWt);
2365 - sumGridWt+=(iGridWt);
2366 - sumGridWt2OverNatWt+=(iGridWt*iGridWt/iNatWt);
2361 +
2362 + if (iGridWt>0.0 && iNatWt>0.0) {
2363 + sumNatWt+=(iNatWt);
2364 + sumGridWt+=(iGridWt);
2365 + sumGridWt2OverNatWt+=(iGridWt*iGridWt/iNatWt);
2366 + }
2367 2367 }
2368 -; // Add trap for pastEnd?
2369 2368 }
2370 2369 }
2371 2370 } // row
2372 -
2373 2371 } // vb
2374 2372 } // chunks
2375 2373
2376 2374 if (sumNatWt==0.0) {
2377 2375 os << "Cannot calculate sensitivity: sum of selected natural weights is zero" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
2378 2376 }
2379 2377 if (sumGridWt==0.0) {
2380 2378 os << "Cannot calculate sensitivity: sum of gridded weights is zero" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
2381 2379 }
2382 2380

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