Merge pull request #920 in CASA/casa from CAS-11460 to master
* commit 'f6e8614936e0dceacb6204218381546f1a6a98f1': Fixing a subtle error in apparentsens described in CAS-11460: relTonat~=6 error when using natural weighting caused by an indexing error on the flags, which caused the visibility weight sum to spuriously accumulate weights from flagged data (whereas gridded weights were correctly accumulating zeros). This caused a generally small (few %) overestimate of the effective sensitivivity level (i.e., predicted rms a few % too large). Add doc notes re current limitations of stokes and specmode parameters Introduce visibiilty weight-sum mechanism for apparent sensivity calculation within the tclean infrastructure (cf Imager::apparentSensitivity). Only continuum is supported (we are limited to the visibilities' spectral axis). Use of tclean gridding mechanism to accumulate relevant weight sums TBD; this will allow support for a spectral sensitivy mode. Initial version of apparentsens task, using tclean-style infrastructure. Works mechanically but gets the wrong answer. Fix TBD. Also need more than logger output. This commit is to record progress so far.
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