
Ville Suoranta authored bff0b860ea7 Merge
Merge pull request #887 in CASA/casa from CAS-11547 to master

* commit 'e943ab8e9f6d8404451eebb77db07656612a3480': CAS-11547: the input table was being used incorrectly to construct the output SDM_* column objects, fixed. CAS-11547 merge master into this branch, resovled conflicts Do not use accesors for optional SDM columns from casacore Use the new accessors for the SDM_WINDOW_FUNCTION and SDM_NUM_BIN columns in the MSSpectralWindow table rather than a direct access to the table. Write the optional columns SDM_WINDOW_FUNCTION and SDM_NUM_BIN to output Added numBin related tests to test_importasdm. CAS-11547. Fixes typo in variable Use the SDM_NUM_BIN column in the SPW table to check for correlator averages EVLA resolution values now adjusted in absence of numBin to match chanWidth before writing to MS Added SDM_NUM_BIN to MS::SPECTRAL_WINDOW - uses new numBin when available and infers numBin from older data when unavailable. Issue a warning if the user is performing smoothing or averaging on pre-averaged data asdm2MS now adds SDM_WINDOW_FUNCTION column to MS::SPECTRAL_WINDOW table



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