
Ville Suoranta authored f27ed81937d Merge
Merge pull request #897 in CASA/casa from hotfix/2019Feb28VLAimaging to master

* commit '859ba6b0e8365cea2952648598b3dc9628d2dbb9': Updated regression values and fix for pipeline trunk r42319


164 164 printmsg(logfile, e)
165 165
166 166 # Test imaging statistics
167 167 # Test results of VLA calibrator imaging from 20th stage run (index 19)
168 168 try:
169 169 # Open context of regression pipeline run
170 170 context = pipeline.Pipeline(context='last').context
171 171 imlist = context.results[19].read().results
172 172
173 173 # Test image RMS
174 - value_compare = [0.00095743726646502312, 0.0076199203496288524]
174 + value_compare = [0.00093823650812654589, 0.0081490810756300238]
175 175 result_bool = [(np.isclose(imlist[i].image_rms, value_compare[i], rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=False), os.path.basename(imlist[i].image)) for i in [0,1]]
176 176
177 177 printmsg(logfile, "Accepted test RMS values are: {!s} from {!s}, {!s}".format(str(value_compare), casaversion, pipelinerevision))
178 178 printmsg(logfile, "Regression generated values are: {!s}".format(str([imlist[i].image_rms for i in [0,1]])))
179 179
180 180 for (rb, imagename) in result_bool:
181 181 printmsg(logfile, ' ')
182 182 printmsg(logfile, imagename)
183 183 if (rb):
184 184 regstate=True

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