RegionTextParser() = delete;
// differentiating between the filename and simple text constructors
// <src>globalOverrideChans</src> override all spectral selections in the file
// or text by using this channel selection<src>
// <src>globalOverrideStokes</src> override all correlation selections in the file
// or text by using this polarization selection<src>
// <src>prependRegion</src> allows one to specify region(s) that will be prepended to
// any text in <src>filename</src> or <src>text</src>
// <src>requireImageRegion</src> forces the parser to create AsciiAnnotationFileLines
// only from AnnRegions whose region is not outside the image
// <src>requireImageRegion</src> is passed to the AnnRegion constructors
// to indicate whether to rethrow ToLCRegionConversionError exception when
// the region is outside the image lattice, or create the object even if
// the ImageRegion has no lattice region. The default (true) rethrows the exception.
// CAS-12631: added for CARTA, which can import regions outside an image.
const casacore::String& filename, const casacore::CoordinateSystem& csys,
const casacore::IPosition& imShape, const casacore::Int requireAtLeastThisVersion,
const casacore::String& prependRegion="",
const casacore::String& globalOverrideChans="",
const casacore::String& globalOverrrideStokes="",
casacore::Bool verbose=true,
casacore::Bool requireImageRegion=true