niter, gain, threshold, psfmode, imagermode, ftmachine, mosweight,
scaletype, multiscale, negcomponent, smallscalebias,
interactive, mask, nchan, start, width, outframe,
veltype, imsize, cell, phasecenter, restfreq, stokes, weighting,
robust, uvtaper, outertaper, innertaper, modelimage, restoringbeam,
pbcor, minpb, usescratch, noise, npixels, npercycle, cyclefactor,
cyclespeedup, nterms, reffreq, chaniter, flatnoise, allowchunk):
depstr = "**** The 'clean' task will be deprecated in the near future. Please use tclean instead. All major functionality from clean is present in tclean via a modified interface along with additional algorithmic options. ****", 'WARN')'nchan='+str(nchan)+' start='+str(start)+' width='+str(width))
#If using new FT-Machines, do not use the on-the-fly model_data columns.
# if (gridmode == 'advancedaprojection'):
# raise Exception, 'This mode is not yet ready for use'
if gridmode == 'advancedaprojection' and usescratch==False:'Forcing usescratch=True for new FTMs. This is temporary.', 'WARN')