# parameter = [0.000247000250965,-0.000508999451995,-0.000311999581754,0.000508686011,0.000919706893087,0.000473518503357,0.00018812692387,0.000660056575273,0.000469934652856,0.000428024806118,0.000192386926053,-7.13865255571e-05,0.000397703996595,0.000303499271338,-0.000252154165917,0.000465348935348,0.000344158009965,0.000228367319351,0.000584870703864,0.000952647723338,-0.000227043112602,-0.000133162034778,0.00023574780856,0.000212197651384,0.00060776527971,-0.000525096431375,-0.000386487226933,0.000293836351762,0.000269524465858,-8.05776686625e-05,0.000478540400055,0.000105861353228,3.76092994824e-05,0.000157838716115,0.000211078409778,-0.00037259206194,0.000227385910925,-0.000120083500757,-7.74828167994e-07,-7.6349849694e-05,0.000854968838704,1.63702564808e-05,0.000486001936163,7.96910315645e-05,0.000160790103968,6.20906828402e-05,0.000561427652214,0.000133509319652,0.00023328837383,0.000377916222577,-0.000436685084871])
# based on an ALMA QA2 Calibration Script
# CASA parallelization test version
# DP, 17 Oct 2012
import sys
import casadef
#print " *** QA2-relevant modules will be imported ***"
#from QA2_Packaging_module import *
#import analysisUtils as aU
#es = aU.stuffForScienceDataReduction()
#print aU.version()
mynumsubms = 18
# Calibration
thesteps = []
step_title = {0: 'Partitioning and listobs',
1: 'A priori flagging',
2: 'Generation and time averaging of the WVR cal table',
3: 'Generation of the Tsys cal table',
4: 'Generation of the antenna position cal table',
5: 'Application of the WVR, Tsys and antpos cal tables',
6: 'Split out science SPWs and time average',
7: 'Listobs, clear pointing table, and save original flags',
8: 'Initial flagging',
9: 'Putting a model for the flux calibrator(s)',
10: 'Save flags before bandpass cal',
11: 'Bandpass calibration',
12: 'Save flags before gain cal',
13: 'Gain calibration',
14: 'Save flags before applycal cal',
15: 'Application of the bandpass and gain cal tables'}
print 'List of steps to be executed ...', mysteps
thesteps = mysteps
print 'global variable mysteps not set.'
if (thesteps==[]):
thesteps = range(0,len(step_title))
print 'Executing all steps: ', thesteps
# The Python variable 'mysteps' will control which steps
# are executed when you start the script using
# execfile('')
# e.g. setting
# mysteps = [2,3,4]# before starting the script will make the script execute
# only steps 2, 3, and 4
# Setting mysteps = [] will make it execute all steps.
import re
#es = aU.stuffForScienceDataReduction()