Source 'ERROR: Peak in primary phase calibrator image deviates from expectation by '+str(devpeakpcal)+' percent.', 'WARN')
# $Id:$
# Test Name: #
# #
# An ALMA Science Verification Data Analysis Regression #
# using observations of NGC3256 from April 2011 #
# #
# Rationale for Inclusion: #
# Need tests of ALMA analysis chain with selfcal #
# #
# Input data: #
# six MSs #
# #
step_title = { 0 : 'Data preparation',
1 : 'Generate caltables',
2 : 'Apriori flagging',
3 : 'Delay cal for antenna DV07',
4 : 'Apply wvr and delay cal tables, split out corrected data',
5 : 'Apply tsys correction',
6 : 'Concatenate',
7 : 'More flagging and fixplanets on Titan',
8 : 'Fast phase-only gaincal on the bandpass calibrator',
9 : 'Bandpass calibration',
10 : 'Set fluxscale on Titan',
11 : 'Slow amplitude and phase gaincal',
12 : 'Adjust absolute flux scale',
13 : 'Apply bandpass and gain calibration',
14 : 'Final flagging',
15 : 'Final calibration',
16 : 'Image the phase calibrator',
17 : 'Apply calibration to flux calibrator',
18 : 'Image flux calibrator',
19 : 'Split out the calibrated target data',
20 : 'Image the NGC3256 continuum',
21 : 'Slow phase selfcal',
22 : 'Image the NGC3256 continuum again after selfcal',
23 : 'Determine and subtract continuum',
24 : 'Clean the NGC3256 CO line cube',
25 : 'Evaluate the NGC3256 CO line cube',
26 : 'Clean the NGC3256 CNhi line cube',
27 : 'Evaluate the NGC3256 CNhi line cube',
28 : 'Clean the NGC3256 CNlo line cube',
29 : 'Evaluate the NGC3256 CNlo line cube',
30 : 'Verify regression results'
# global defs
therefant = 'DV04'
# regression results storage
rmspcal = 0
peakpcal = 0
rmstitan = 0
peaktitan = 0
rmscont = 0
peakcont = 0
rmscontsc = 0