Source 'ERROR: Peak flux in titan cube should be at channel '+str(exppeakchan)+' but is at '+str(respeakchan),'WARN')
# $Id:$
# Test Name: #
# #
# #
# Rationale for Inclusion: #
# Need test of analysis of MS with ephemeris attached #
# #
# Input data: #
# two MSs #
# #
# Author: DP, Sept. 2013 #
# #
step_title = { 0 : 'fixplanets with ephemeris',
1 : 'concat',
2 : 'selfcal',
3 : 'cvel to outframe SOURCE',
4 : 'imaging',
5 : 'verification of the regression results'
# global defs
# Some infrastructure to make repeating individual parts
# of this workflow more convenient.
thesteps = []
print 'List of steps to be executed ...', mysteps
thesteps = mysteps
print 'global variable mysteps not set.'
if (thesteps==[]):
thesteps = range(0,len(step_title))
print 'mysteps empty. Executing all steps: ', thesteps
# The Python variable 'mysteps' will control which steps
# are executed when you start the script using
# execfile('')
# e.g. setting
# mysteps = [2,3,4]
# before starting the script will make the script execute
# only steps 2, 3, and 4
# Setting mysteps = [] will make it execute all steps.
totaltime = 0
inittime = time.time()
ttime = inittime
steptime = []
def timing():
global totaltime
global inittime
global ttime
global steptime