from taskinit import casalog, mstool, qa, tbtool, write_history
from update_spw import update_spwchan
from parallel.parallel_task_helper import ParallelTaskHelper
import partitionhelper as ph
def oldsplit(vis, outputvis, datacolumn, field, spw, width, antenna,
timebin, timerange, scan, intent, array, uvrange,
correlation, observation, combine, keepflags, keepmms):
"""Create a visibility subset from an existing visibility set:
vis -- Name of input visibility file (MS)
default: none; example: vis=''
outputvis -- Name of output visibility file (MS)
default: none; example: outputvis=''
datacolumn -- Which data column to split out
default='corrected'; example: datacolumn='data'
Options: 'data', 'corrected', 'model', 'all',
'float_data', 'lag_data', 'float_data,data', and
note: 'all' = whichever of the above that are present.
default: field = '' means use all sources
field = 1 # will get field_id=1 (if you give it an
integer, it will retrieve the source with that index)
field = '1328+307' specifies source '1328+307'.
Minimum match can be used, egs field = '13*' will
retrieve '1328+307' if it is unique or exists.
Source names with imbedded blanks cannot be included.
spw -- Spectral window index identifier
default=-1 (all); example: spw=1
antenna = '3 & 7' gives one baseline with antennaid = 3,7.
timebin -- Interval width for time averaging.
default: '0s' or '-1s' (no averaging)
default='' means all times. examples:
timerange = 'YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss~YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss'
timerange='< YYYY/MM/DD/HH:MM:SS.sss'
timerange='> YYYY/MM/DD/HH:MM:SS.sss'
timerange='< ddd/HH:MM:SS.sss'
timerange='> ddd/HH:MM:SS.sss'
scan -- Scan numbers to select.
intent -- Scan intents to select.
array -- (Sub)array IDs to select.
uvrange -- uv distance range to select.
correlation -- Select correlations, e.g. 'rr, ll' or ['XY', 'YX'].
observation -- Select by observation ID(s).
combine -- Data descriptors that time averaging can ignore: