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<casaxml xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html"
<task type="function" name="imdev" category="analysis">
<shortdescription>Create an image that can represent the statistical deviations of the input image.</shortdescription>
<param type="string" name="imagename" mustexist="true">
<description>Input image name</description>
<param type="string" name="outfile">
<description>Output image file name. If left blank (the default), no image is written but a new image tool referencing the collapsed image is returned.</description>
<param type="any" direction="in" name="region">
<any type="variant" limittypes="string record"/>
<description>Region selection. Default is to use the full image.</description>
<param type="string" name="box">
<description>Rectangular region(s) to select in direction plane. Default is to use the entire direction plane.</description>
<param type="string" name="chans" >
<description>Channels to use. Default is to use all channels.</description>
<param type="string" name="stokes">
<description>Stokes planes to use. Default is to use all Stokes planes.</description>
<param type="string" name="mask">
<description>Mask to use. Default setting is none. </description>
<param type="bool" name="overwrite">
<description>Overwrite (unprompted) pre-existing output file? Ignored if "outfile" is left blank. </description>
<param type="bool" name="stretch" subparam="true">
<description>Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? Default value is False.</description>
<param type="intArray" name="grid">
<description>x,y grid spacing. Array of exactly two positive integers.</description>
<param type="variant" name="anchor">
<any type="variant" limittypes="string intArray"/>
<description>x,y anchor pixel location. Either "ref" to use the image reference pixel, or an array of exactly two integers.</description>
<value type="string">ref</value>
<param type="variant" name="xlength">
<any type="variant" limittypes="string int"/>
<description>Either x coordinate length of box, or diameter of circle. Circle is used if ylength is empty string.</description>
<value type="string">1pix</value>
<param type="variant" name="ylength">
<any type="variant" limittypes="string int"/>
<description>y coordinate length of box. Use a circle if ylength is empty string.</description>
<value type="string">1pix</value>
<param type="string" name="interp">
<description>Interpolation algorithm to use. One of "nearest", "linear", "cubic", or "lanczos". Minimum match supported.</description>
<param type="string" name="stattype">
<description>Statistic to compute. See full description for supported statistics.</description>
<param type="string" name="statalg">
<description>Statistics computation algorithm to use. Supported values are "chauvenet" and "classic", Minimum match is supported.</description>
<param type="double" name="zscore" subparam="true">
<description>For chauvenet, this is the target maximum number of standard deviations data may have to be included. If negative, use Chauvenet"s criterion. Ignored if algorithm is not "chauvenet".</description>
<param type="int" name="maxiter" subparam="true">