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<casaxml xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html"
<task type="function" name="rmfit" category="analysis">
<shortdescription>Calculate rotation measure.</shortdescription>
<param type="any" name="imagename" mustexist="true">
<description>Name(s) of the input image(s). Must be specified.</description>
<any type='variant' limittype='string stringArray'/>
<param type="string" direction="in" name="rm">
<description>Output rotation measure image name. If not specified, no image is written.</description>
<param type="string" direction="in" name="rmerr">
<description>Output rotation measure error image name. If not specified, no image is written.</description>
<param type="string" direction="in" name="pa0">
<description>Output position angle (degrees) at zero wavelength image name. If not specified, no image is written.</description>
<param type="string" direction="in" name="pa0err">
<description>Output position angle (degrees) at zero wavelength error image name. If not specified, no image is written.</description>
<param type="string" direction="in" name="nturns">
<description>Output number of turns image name. If not specified, no image is written.</description>
<param type="string" direction="in" name="chisq">
<description>Output reduced chi squared image name. If not specified, no image is written.</description>
<param type="double" direction="in" name="sigma">
<description>Estimate of the thermal noise. A value less than 0 means auto estimate.</description>
<param type="double" direction="in" name="rmfg">
<description>Foreground rotation measure in rad/m/m to subtract.</description>
<param type="double" direction="in" name="rmmax">
<description>Maximum rotation measure in rad/m/m for which to solve. IMPORTANT TO SPECIFY.</description>
<param type="double" direction="in" name="maxpaerr">
<description>Maximum input position angle error in degrees to allow in solution determination.</description>