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<casaxml xmlns="http://casa.nrao.edu/schema/psetTypes.html"
<task type="function" name="tclean" category="imaging" visibility="experimental">
<shortdescription>Radio Interferometric Image Reconstruction</shortdescription>
<description>Form images from visibilities and reconstruct a sky model.
This task handles continuum images and spectral line cubes,
supports outlier fields, contains standard clean based algorithms
along with algorithms for multi-scale and wideband image
reconstruction, widefield imaging correcting for the w-term,
full primary-beam imaging and joint mosaic imaging (with
heterogeneous array support for ALMA).
<param type="any" name="vis" kind="ms" mustexist="true">
<shortdescription>Name of input visibility file(s)</shortdescription>
<description>Name(s) of input visibility file(s)
example: vis='ngc5921.ms'
vis=['ngc5921a.ms','ngc5921b.ms']; multiple MSes
<any type="variant" limittypes="string stringArray"/>
<value type="string"></value>
<param type="bool" name="selectdata" visibility="hidden">
<shortdescription>Enable data selection parameters</shortdescription>
<description>Enable data selection parameters.
<value type="bool">True</value>
<param type="any" name="field" subparam="true">
<shortdescription>field(s) to select</shortdescription>
<description> Select fields to image or mosaic. Use field id(s) or name(s).
['go listobs' to obtain the list id's or names]
If field string is a non-negative integer, it is assumed to
be a field index otherwise, it is assumed to be a
field='0~2'; field ids 0,1,2
field='0,4,5~7'; field ids 0,4,5,6,7
field='3C286,3C295'; field named 3C286 and 3C295
field = '3,4C*'; field id 3, all names starting with 4C
For multiple MS input, a list of field strings can be used:
field = ['0~2','0~4']; field ids 0-2 for the first MS and 0-4
field = '0~2'; field ids 0-2 for all input MSes