#!/usr/bin/env python
A script to transform CASA Guide webpages and casapy scripts to casapy
scripts suited for interactive or non-interactive use.  This script can be
run from the command line.  Use the '-h' option to obtain a help message
explaining the command line parameters and options.
The script runs in one of three modes:
1) interactive (default): Generates a casapy script that requests user input
   when interactive GUIs are invoked.
2) non-interactive: Generates a casapy script that sleeps for 60s when an
   interactive GUI is invoked.  (Note: 60s may not be enough time for some
3) benchmark: Generates a casapy script that makes all tasks noninteractive or
   removes their invocation all together.  The output script imports and makes
   extensive use of module *casa_call.py* to keep track of the start and stop
   time of tasks.  *casa_call.py* must be in the casapy Python path when 
   the casapy script is run.  To work properly, the list of casapy tasks hard
   coded below must be consistent with the tasks available in the version of
   casa being tests.  To check for consistency or update the hardcoded list,
   use the function listCASATasks() below (see the function's docstring for
   The intended functionality of the benchmarking mode is (1) to allow easy
   assessment of whether the scripts are working and (2) to produce useful
   benchmarks of performance, e.g., as a function of machine.

# =====================
# =====================

import urllib
import urllib2
import sys
import codecs
import re
import string
import os, os.path
from optparse import OptionParser

# =====================
# =====================

# Expression that define the beginning and end of CASA code blocks in the HTML
#beginBlock = "class=\"python source-python\""
#endBlock = "</pre></div></div>"

beginBlock = "class=\"p\""
beginBlock1 = "class=\"n\""
beginBlock2 = "class=\"k\""
beginBlock3 = "class=\"s1\""
beginBlock4 = "class=\"s2\""

endBlock = "</span>"

# interactives

# CASA task list (used for benchmarking markup, else ignored)
# Check and update this list using function listCASATasks(), below.
# for CASA 4.5...
casa_tasks = ['accum', 'applycal', 'asdmsummary', 'bandpass',
'blcal', 'boxit', 'browsetable', 'calstat', 'caltabconvert', 'clean',
'clearcal', 'clearplot', 'clearstat', 'concat', 'conjugatevis', 'csvclean',
'cvel', 'deconvolve', 'delmod', 'exportasdm', 'exportfits', 'exportuvfits',
'feather', 'find', 'fixplanets', 'fixvis', 'flagcmd', 'flagdata', 'flagmanager',
'fluxscale', 'ft', 'gaincal', 'gencal', 'hanningsmooth',
'help par.parametername', 'help taskname', 'imcollapse', 'imcontsub', 'imfit',
'imhead', 'immath', 'immoments', 'impbcor', 'importasdm', 'importevla',
'importfits', 'importfitsidi', 'importgmrt', 'importuvfits', 'importvla',
'impv', 'imreframe', 'imregrid', 'imsmooth', 'imstat', 'imsubimage', 'imtrans',
'imval', 'imview', 'listcal', 'listfits', 'listhistory', 'listobs',
'listpartition', 'listsdm', 'listvis', 'makemask', 'mosaic', 'msmoments',
'mstransform', 'msview', 'partition', 'plotants', 'plotbandpass', 'plotcal',
'plotms', 'plotuv', 'plotweather', 'plotxy', 'polcal', 'predictcomp', 'rmfit',
'rmtables', 'sdbaseline', 'sdcal', 'sdfit', 'sdfixscan', 'sdgaincal', 
'sdimaging', 'sdsmooth', 'setjy', 'simalma', 'simanalyze', 'simobserve', 
'slsearch', 'smoothcal', 'specfit', 'splattotable', 'split', 'spxfit', 
'startup', 'statwt', 'taskhelp', 'tasklist', 'tclean', 'testconcat', 'toolhelp', 
'uvcontsub', 'uvcontsub3', 'uvmodelfit', 'uvsub', 'viewer', 'virtualconcat', 
'vishead', 'visstat', 'widebandpbcor', 'widefield', 'wvrgcal']

# define formatting junk that needs to be filtered
# JFG comments that regular expressions might clean this up
# JBM - cleaned up declaration of the junkStr list

junkStr = [ 
    '<div dir="ltr" class="mw-geshi mw-code mw-content-ltr">',
    '<div class="mw-highlight mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr">',
    "<div dir=\"ltr\" class=\"mw-geshi\" style=\"text-align: left;\">",
    "<div class=\"python source-python\"><pre class=\"de1\">",

paren1 = "&#40;"
paren2 = "&#41;"
brack2 = "&#93;"
brack1 = "&#91;"
sqirl1 = "&#123;"
sqirl2 = "&#125;"
quote1 = "&quot;"
quote2 = "&#39;"
lessthan = "&lt;"
greaterthan = "&gt;"
ampersand = "&amp;"
substr1 = r"<span class=[^>]*>"
nbsp = "&#160;"

# tasks to suppress in benchmarking run
# plotms -- produces table locks; must be run synchronously
# plotants -- produces a table lock that causes wvrgcal to fail
tasks_to_suppress = ["plotms", "plotants"]

# =====================
# =====================

def countParen(line):    
    Returns the net open and closed parentheses.
    pcount = 0
    for char in line:
        if char == '(': pcount += 1
        if char == ')': pcount -= 1
    return pcount

def isInput(line):
    Tests if a line is waiting for user input.
    temp = line.find("raw_input")
    return  temp > -1

def extract_task(line):
    Tries to return the task name being called in the line.
    stripped = line.lstrip()
    temp = stripped.find("(")
    if temp == -1:
        return None
    return stripped[0:temp]

def is_task_call(line):
    Tests if the line is a task call.
    if extract_task(line) in casa_tasks:
        return True
    return False

def indentation(line):
    spaces = 0
    active = True
    for char in line:
        if active == False:
        if char == " ":
            spaces += 1
    return spaces

def add_benchmarking(line,tasknum=0):
    this_task = extract_task(line)
    indents = indentation(line)
    pre_string = ""
    for i in range(indents):
        pre_string+=" "
    before = pre_string+"this_call = casa_call.Call('"+this_task+"','"+str(tasknum)+"')\n"
    after = "\n"+pre_string+"this_call.end(out_file)"
    return before+line+after

def suppress_for_benchmark(line):
    if is_task_call(line) == False:
        return False
    if extract_task(line) in tasks_to_suppress:
        return True
    return False

def make_func_noninteractive(line):
    Make calls to specific tasks/functions non interactive.
    Set argument interactive to false for specific tasks and functions.
    # First, check to see if clean is called with function arguments.
    funcName = extract_task(line)
    if funcName == "clean" or funcName == "au.plotbandpass" or funcName == "tclean" or funcName == "plotbandpass" :
        # Set argument interactive to false
        pattern = r'''interactive\ *=\ *(True)'''
        new_line = re.sub( pattern, 'interactive = False', line )
        # Leave the mask parameter for testing          
        #if funcName == "clean":
        #    # Remove clean mask parameter if it exists
        #    pattern = r'''mask\ *=\ *['"].*['"].*?,?'''
        #    new_line = re.sub( pattern, '', new_line )
        return new_line
    # Second, check for variables in local namespace
        pattern = r'''^[ \t]*interactive\ *=\ *(True)'''
        # If variable interactive is being set, make sure it is set to false.
        if re.match( pattern, line ):
            pattern2 = r'''\ *(True)'''
            new_line = re.sub( pattern2, ' False', line )
            return new_line
    return line

def suppress_gui( line ):
    Suppress GUIs. Return modified line.
    * line = a python statement
    if is_task_call(line): 
        # Plotcal
        if extract_task(line) == "plotcal":
            # if showgui is specified, make sure it is false
            pattern = r'''showgui\ *=\ *(True|False)'''
            new_line = re.sub( pattern, 'showgui = False', line )
            if new_line == line: # no substituion made
                # add showgui=False to parameter list
                pattern = r'''\('''
                new_line = re.sub( pattern, '( showgui=False, ', line, count=1 )
            return new_line

        if extract_task(line) == "plotms":
            # if showgui is specified, make sure it is false
            pattern = r'''showgui\ *=\ *(True|False)'''
            new_line = re.sub( pattern, 'showgui = False', line )
            if new_line == line: # no substituion made
                # add showgui=False to parameter list
                pattern = r'''\('''
                new_line = re.sub( pattern, '( showgui=False, ', line, count=1 )
            return new_line

        # Flagdata

        if extract_task(line) == "flagdata":
            pattern = r"""display\ *=\ *['"].*['"]"""
            if re.search( pattern, line ):
            # if showgui is specified, make sure it is false
                new_line = re.sub( pattern, "display=''", line )
                return new_line

        # Suppress GUIs for other tasks here...
    return line

def turnTaskOff( taskname, line ):
    """ Turn off task calls. """
    if is_task_call(line):
        if extract_task(line) == taskname:
            line = ' '*indentation(line) + "print 'Turned " + taskname + " off'"

def turnPlotmsOff( line ):
    """ Turn off plotms calls. """
    if is_task_call(line):
        if extract_task(line) == "plotms":
            line = ' '*indentation(line) + "print 'Turned PLOTMS off'"

    line = exclude_raw_input(line)
    line = include_raw_input( "plotcal",line )

# TO DO: This function testing; I don't think it's working yet.
def turnAUPlotbandpassOff( line ):
    """ Turn aU.plotbandpass off. """
    pattern = r'''\s*aU.plotbandpass\(.*\)'''
    matchObj = re.match( pattern, line )
    if matchObj:
        line =  ' ' * indentation(line) + "print 'Turned aU.plotbandpass off'"
    return( line )

def turnPlotbandpassOff( line ):
    """ Turn off plotbandpass calls. """
    if is_task_call(line):
        if extract_task(line) == "plotbandpass":
            line = ' '*indentation(line) + "print 'Turned plotbandpass off'"

def turnDiagPlotsOff( line ):
    """ Turn diagnostic plots off (plotms, plotcal, aU.plotbandpass, plotants, plotxy, plotbandpass) """
    line = turnTaskOff( "plotms", line )
    line = turnTaskOff( "plotcal", line )
    line = turnTaskOff( "plotants", line )
    line = turnTaskOff( "plotxy", line )
    line = turnTaskOff( "plotbandpass", line )
    line = turnTaskOff( "viewer", line )
    line = turnTaskOff( "imview", line )
    line = turnTaskOff( "au.plotWVRSolutions",line)
    line = suppress_gui( line )
    line = exclude_raw_input( line )
    # Test this function before using.
    # line = turnPlotbandpassOff( line )
    return line

# function to clean up html strings (convert html markup to executable python)
def loseTheJunk(line):
    Strip garbage from line.
    outline = line # this should be function'd -- need to replace tgets etc as in first version of script
    outline = re.sub(substr1, r'', outline)
    for junk in junkStr:
        outline = outline.replace(junk, "")
    outline = outline.replace(quote1, "\"")
    outline = outline.replace(quote2, "\'")
    outline = outline.replace(paren1, "(")
    outline = outline.replace(paren2, ")")
    outline = outline.replace(brack1, "[")
    outline = outline.replace(brack2, "]")
    outline = outline.replace(sqirl1, "{")
    outline = outline.replace(sqirl2, "}")
    outline = outline.replace(lessthan, "<")
    outline = outline.replace(greaterthan, ">")
    outline = outline.replace(ampersand, "&")
    outline = outline.replace(nbsp, " ")
    outline = outline.replace("<br />", " ")
    outline = outline.replace("<snip>", " ")

    #some additional parsing -- scripting has slightly different
    #syntax than interactive session for tget, default, and go
    #(presumably among others). 

    newline = outline
    newline = newline.replace(r'tget ', r'tget(')
    newline = newline.replace(r'default ', r'default(')
    if newline == 'go':
        newline = 'go('
    if newline != outline: newline = newline + ')'
    outline = newline
    return outline

def addInteractivePause(outline):
    newoutline = outline
    indent = " "*indentation(outline)
    # Use a raw string for the print statement because outline could contain
    # single and/or double quotes.
    newoutline += "\n" + indent + "print r'''Command: " + outline.lstrip().replace('\n','\\n') + "'''"
    newoutline += "\n" + indent + "user_check=raw_input('When you are done with the window, close it and press enter to continue:')"
    return newoutline

def addNonInteractivePause(outline):
    newoutline = outline
    newoutline += "\ninp()\nprint('Pausing for 30 seconds...')\n"
    newoutline += "time.sleep(30)\n"
    newoutline = string.replace(newoutline, '\n', '\n'+' '*indentation(outline))
    return newoutline

# Return the pre-material needed to set up benchmarking
def benchmark_header( scriptName='script' ):
    Write the header of the benchmarking script.
    * scriptName = Name of the benchmarking script
    out_file = scriptName.replace('.py','.benchmark.txt')
    lines = []
    lines.append("### Begin Benchmarking Material")
    lines.append("import casa_call")
    lines.append("    out_file")
    lines.append("except NameError:")
    lines.append("    out_file = '" + out_file + "'")
    lines.append("if os.path.exists(out_file):")
    lines.append("    counter = 1")
    lines.append("    while os.path.exists(out_file+'.'+str(counter)):")
    lines.append("        counter += 1")
    lines.append("    os.system('mv '+out_file+' '+out_file+'.'+str(counter))")
    lines.append("os.system('rm -rf '+out_file)")
    lines.append("### End Benchmarking Material")
    return lines

def pythonize_shell_commands( line ):
    Make casapy-friendly shell commands Python compatible.
    Unix shell commands included below in the 'commands' list can be called
    directly from the casapy prompt. These commands cannot be called from inside
    a Python script. To run these commands in a script, place them in an 
    os.system call.
    * line = a python statement
    commands = [ 'ls', 'pwd', 'less', 'pwd', 'cd', 'cat' ]
    firstWord = line.split(' ')[0]
    if firstWord in commands:
        line = 'os.system("' + line + '")'
    if 'wget' in line:
        line = '\n'
    return line

def make_system_call_noninteractive( line ):
    Make calls to os.system non-interactive. Return non-interacive line.
    Some shell commands called via os.system require user interaction, such as
    more.  Make these shell calls noninteractive.
    1) Replace more with cat,
    2) [Add other replacements here...]
    * line = a python statement
    command = ''
    newCommand = ''
    # Extract the system command from the os.system statement
    pattern = r'''os.system\ *\(\ *(['"])(.*)\1\ *\)'''
    matchObj = re.match( pattern, line )
    if matchObj:
        command = matchObj.group(2)
        command = command.strip()
        # Replace more with cat
        pattern2 = r'''^more\ '''
        newCommand = re.sub( pattern2, 'cat ', command )
        # Add additional substutions here...
    newLine = line.replace( command, newCommand, 1 )
    return newLine

def include_raw_input( task,line ):
    * line = a python statement
    if is_task_call(line):
        if extract_task(line) == task:
            line = ''*indentation(line) + line + '\n' 
        line += ' '*indentation(line) + 'user_check=raw_input("press enter to continue script")\n'
    return line

def exclude_raw_input( line ):
    Exclude raw_input calls from non-interactive scripts.
    * line = a python statement
    pattern = r'''raw_input\ *\('''
    if re.search( pattern, line ):
        #newline = ' ' * indentation(line) + 'print("script will continue")\n'
        newline = ' ' * indentation(line) + '#' + line
        newline += '\n' + ' '*indentation(line) + 'pass\n'
        line = newline
    return line

def correct_casa_builtins_inp( line ):  
    Correct inp built-in from non-interactive scripts.
    * line = a python statement
    pattern = r''' *(inp )'''
    if re.search( pattern, line ):
        new_line = re.sub( pattern, 'inp(', line )
        new_line = ' ' * indentation(line) + new_line + ')'
        line = new_line
    return line

def correct_casa_builtins_help( line ):  
    Correct help built-in from non-interactive scripts.
    * line = a python statement
    pattern = r''' *(help )'''
    if re.search( pattern, line ):
        new_line = re.sub( pattern, 'help(', line )
        new_line = ' ' * indentation(line) + new_line + ')'
        new_line = "#" + new_line
        line = new_line
    return line

def make_noninteractive( line ):
    Make *line* non-interactive.
    * line = a python statement
    line = make_func_noninteractive(line)
    line = make_system_call_noninteractive(line)
    line = exclude_raw_input(line)
    line = correct_casa_builtins_inp( line )
    line = correct_casa_builtins_help( line )
    line = suppress_gui(line)
    return line

def listCASATasks():
    Return a list of all the CASA tasks.
    Also report the difference between the task list in this module and the
    task list obtained from CASA. Note that the appropriate list will vary
    with the version of CASA.
    This function requires casapy module *tasks*.
    In casapy:
    >>> import extractCASAscript
    >>> taskList = extractCASAscript.listCASATasks()
    Review the difference between the task lists here...
    To update the task list in this module, 
    >>> print taskList
    Then, copy-paste the output list into this module.
    from tasks import allcat
    for key in allcat.keys():
        for taskname in allcat[key]:
            if (taskname[0] == '(') or (taskname[0]=='{'):
                taskname = taskname[1:-1]
            if (taskname in all_tasks) == False:
    all_tasks_set = set(all_tasks)
    casa_tasks_set = set(casa_tasks)
    print "Tasks in casapy but not in this module: " + \
    print "Tasks in this module but not in casapy: " + \
    return all_tasks

def checkModules():
    """ Check that modules required for the benchmarking script are in the
    Python path. """
        import casa_call
    except ImportError:
        print "casa_call.py must exist in the casapy module search path!"

# =====================
# =====================

def main( URL, options ):
    """ Create a Python script from a CASA Guide or existing Python script.
    * URL = URL to a CASA Guide web page (HTML) or a Python script.  
    * options = options object created by optparse.  If options.benchmark
      is true, output a Python benchmarking script.
    If URL to a CASA Guide, extract the Python from the guide and create
    an executable Python script. If options.benchmark is true, produce a 
    benchmark test from the CASA Guide or existing Python script. 
    If URL to a Python script, convert the script to a benchmarking script.
    # Determine if the input file is a Python script
    pyInput = False
    if ( URL[-3:].upper() == '.PY' ):
        pyInput = True

    # Pull the input file across the web or get it from local network
    responseLines = []
    outFile = ''
    if ( URL[:4].upper() == 'HTTP' ):
        print "Acquiring " + URL
        if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin': #http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27835619/ssl-certificate-verify-failed-error
            import ssl
            req = urllib2.Request(URL)
            gcontext = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS) # Fix for python versions > 2.7.13 to match new certificates 
            response = urllib2.urlopen(req,context=gcontext)
            responseLines = response.read().split("\n")
            req = urllib2.Request(URL)
            response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
            responseLines = response.read().split("\n")
        # Clean up the output file name
        outFile = URL.split('/')[-1]
        if not pyInput: outFile += '.py'
        outFile = outFile.replace("index.php?title=","")
        outFile = outFile.replace(":","")
        outFile = outFile.replace("_","") 
        print "Copying " + URL + " to CWD."
        os.system('cp '+URL+' ./')
        outFile = os.path.basename(URL)
        localFile = open( outFile , 'r' )
        responseLines = localFile.read().split("\n")

    # Initialize the parser and output line list
    readingCode = False
    lineList = []

    if pyInput:
        lineList = responseLines

        # Loop over the lines read from the web page
        for line in responseLines:

            # If we are not currently reading code, see if this line
            # begins a python code block.
            if (readingCode == False):
                # This needs to written in better python syntax. This is temp

                if (beginBlock in line) or (beginBlock1 in line) or (beginBlock2 in line) or (beginBlock3 in line) or (beginBlock4 in line): # TODO: Convert to More Pythonic Syntax 
                        readingCode = True
                        outline = loseTheJunk(line)
                        lineList += [outline]
                        if endBlock in line:
                                readingCode = False

                #outline = loseTheJunk(line)
                #lineList += [outline]
                #if endBlock in line:
                #    readingCode = False

    # The python code is now loaded into a list of lines.  Now compress the
    # lines into individual commands, allowing for commands to span multiple
    # lines.  Lines are grouped by closed parentheses.
    compressedList = []
    iline = 0
    while iline < len(lineList):
        line = lineList[iline]
        pcount = countParen(line)
        while(pcount > 0):
            line += '\n'
            iline += 1
            line += lineList[iline]
            pcount = countParen(line)
        line = string.expandtabs(line)
        compressedList += [line]
        iline += 1

    print str(len(lineList))+" total lines become"
    print str(len(compressedList))+" compressed lines"

    # All modes
    for i,line in enumerate(compressedList):
        compressedList[i] = pythonize_shell_commands( compressedList[i] )

    # Prepare for benchmark and noninteractive modes
    if options.benchmark or options.noninteractive:
        for i,line in enumerate(compressedList):
            compressedList[i] = make_noninteractive( compressedList[i] )

    # Write script for benchmark mode
    if options.benchmark:
        task_list = []
        task_nums = []
        print "Writing file for execution in benchmarking mode."
        tasknum = 0
        f = codecs.open(outFile, 'w','utf-8')
        header = benchmark_header( scriptName = outFile )
        for line in header:
            print >>f, line
        for line in compressedList:
            if suppress_for_benchmark(line):
                print >>f, ' ' * indentation(line) + 'pass #' + \
                line = suppress_gui(line)
                if is_task_call(line):                
                    this_task = extract_task(line)
                    print "I found a task call for ", this_task                
                    tasknum += 1
                    line = add_benchmarking(line,tasknum)      
                print >>f, line.decode('utf-8')
        print >>f, 'casa_call.summarize_bench( out_file, out_file+".summary" )'

        # Write task list to expectation file
        exp_file = outFile+'.expected'
        print "I am writing the expected flow to a file called "+exp_file
        f = codecs.open(exp_file, 'w','utf-8')
        for i in range(len(task_list)):
            print >>f, task_list[i], task_nums[i]
        # Write script for interactive and noninteractive modes
        f = codecs.open(outFile, 'w','utf-8')
        for line in compressedList:
            if options.diagplotoff:
                #print "Turning off diagnostic plots..."
                line = turnDiagPlotsOff(line)
            elif options.plotmsoff:
                #print "Turning off plotms..."
                line = turnPlotmsOff(line)

            elif options.noninteractive:
                #print "Turning on Non Interactive features..."
                line = exclude_raw_input(line)
                # NOTE compressedList iterates through make_noninteractive
                if extract_task(line) == 'plotms': 
                        line = addNonInteractivePause(line)
            else: #interactive
                #line = exclude_raw_input(line)
                #mtch = interactive.match(line)
                #if (mtch and not ("showgui=F" in line)): 
                #    line = addInteractivePause(line)
                line = line
                line = correct_casa_builtins_inp( line )
                line = correct_casa_builtins_help( line )
            #print line
            print >>f, line.decode('utf-8')
    print "New file " + outFile + " written to current directory."
    print "In casapy, run the file using ",
    print 'execfile("' + outFile + '")'
if __name__ == "__main__":
    usage = \
""" %prog [options] URL
*URL* should point to a CASA Guide webpage or to a Python script. *URL* can also be
a local file system path."""
    parser = OptionParser( usage=usage )
    parser.add_option( '-b', '--benchmark', action="store_true", default=False,help="produce benchmark test script" )
    parser.add_option( '-n', '--noninteractive', action="store_true",  default=False,   help="make script non-interactive (non-benchmark mode only)")
    parser.add_option( '-p', '--plotmsoff', action="store_true", help="turn off all plotms commands")
    parser.add_option( '-d', '--diagplotoff', action="store_true",help="turn off diagnostic plots (imview, plotms, plotcal, aU.plotbandpass, plotants, plotxy)" )
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) != 1:
        #raise ValueError("")
    main(args[0], options)