from taskinit import * import numpy import sys import re # Writes out regions above threshold to regionfile+'.box' def boxit(imagename, regionfile, threshold, maskname, chanrange, polrange, minsize, diag, boxstretch, overwrite): casalog.origin('boxit') myia = iatool() try: if not(regionfile): regionfile = imagename + '.box' if not regionfile.endswith('.box'): regionfile = regionfile + '.box' if not(overwrite): if(os.path.exists(regionfile)):'file "' + regionfile + '" already exists.', 'WARN') return if(maskname and os.path.exists(maskname)):'output mask "' + maskname + '" already exists.', 'WARN') return # If no units, assume mJy for consistency with auto/clean tasks. # But convert to Jy, because that's what units the images are in. threshold = qa.getvalue(qa.convert(qa.quantity(threshold,'mJy'),'Jy'))[0]"Setting threshold to " + str(threshold) + "Jy", "INFO") newIsland = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=[('box','4i4'),('npix','i4')]) # Find all pixels above the threshold if len(myia.shape()) != 4: raise Exception("Only 4D images with direction, spectral, and stokes coordinates are supported") # CAS-2059 escape characters in image name that will confuse the lattice expression processor escaped_imagename = imagename for escapeme in ['-', '+', '*', '/' ]: escaped_imagename = re.sub("[" + escapeme + "]", "\\" + escapeme, escaped_imagename) mask = escaped_imagename+'>'+str(threshold) fullmask = myia.getregion(mask=mask, getmask=True) if not(fullmask.max()):'Maximum flux in image is below threshold.', 'WARN') return writemask = bool(maskname) csys = myia.coordsys() shape = fullmask.shape nx = int(shape[0]) ny = int(shape[1]) n2 = n3 = 1 if len(shape)==3: n2 = int(shape[2]) if len(shape)==4: n2 = int(shape[2]) n3 = int(shape[3]) #casa generated images always 4d and in order of [ra, dec, stokes, freq] #other images can be in the order of [ra, dec, freq, stokes] nms = csys.names() chmax=n3 pomax=n2 chmin=0 pomin=0 if len(nms)==4 and nms[3]=='Stokes': chmax=n2 pomax=n3 if chanrange: try: if str.count(chanrange, '~') == 1: ch1=int(str.split(chanrange, '~')[0]) ch2=int(str.split(chanrange, '~')[1]) else: ch1=int(chanrange) ch2=ch1 if ch1 > ch2 or ch1 < 0 or ch2 > chmax: casalog('invalid channel range', "SEVERE") return if ch1>chmin: chmin = ch1 if ch2<chmax: chmax = ch2 except: casalog('bad format for chanrange', "SEVERE") return if polrange: try: if str.count(polrange, '~') == 1: po1=int(str.split(polrange, '~')[0]) po2=int(str.split(polrange, '~')[1]) else: po1=int(polrange) po2=po1 if po1 > po2 or po1 < 0 or po2 > pomax: casalog( 'invalid stokes range', "SEVERE") return if po1>pomin: pomin = po1 if po2<pomax: pomax = po2 except: raise Exception('bad format for polrange') n1=pomin n2=pomax n3=chmax n4=chmin if len(nms)==4 and nms[3]=='Stokes': n1=chmin n2=chmax n3=pomax n4=pomin f = open(regionfile, 'w') totregions = 0 outputmask = [] if writemask: outputmask = myia.getchunk() outputmask.fill(False) for i3 in xrange(n4, n3): for i2 in xrange(n1, n2): regions = {} boxRecord = {} if len(shape)==2: mask = fullmask if len(shape)==4: mask = fullmask[:,:,i2,i3].reshape(nx, ny) islands = [] pos = numpy.unravel_index(mask.argmax(), mask.shape) while(mask[pos]): # found pixel in new island island = {} island['box'] = [pos[0], pos[1], pos[0], pos[1]] island['npix'] = 1 find_nearby_island_pixels(island, mask, pos, shape[0], shape[1], diag) islands.append(island) pos = numpy.unravel_index(mask.argmax(), mask.shape) for record in islands: box = record['box'] # check size of box if record['npix'] < minsize: continue totregions += 1 # need pixel corners, not pixel centers box[0] -= boxstretch box[1] -= boxstretch box[2] += boxstretch box[3] += boxstretch # in case we used boxstretch < 0 and a one-pixel sized box: if box[0] > box[2]: box[0] += boxstretch box[2] -= boxstretch if box[1] > box[3]: box[1] += boxstretch box[3] -= boxstretch if writemask: # avoid pixels in boxes that have been stretched beyond the image limits for ii in range(max(0, box[0]), min(box[2], outputmask.shape[0] - 1)): for jj in range(max(0, box[1]), min(box[3], outputmask.shape[1] - 1)): outputmask[ii][jj][i2][i3] = True blccoord = [box[0]-0.5, box[1]-0.5, i2, i3] trccoord = [box[2]+0.5, box[3]+0.5, i2, i3] # note that the toworld() calls are likely very expensive for many boxes. But then # again, the box-finding algorithm itself seems pretty inefficient, but resource # constraints only permit a band aid fix at this time. blc = myia.toworld(blccoord, 'm')['measure'] trc = myia.toworld(trccoord, 'm')['measure'] # RA/Dec reference frame outstring = "worldbox " + blc['direction']['refer'] # RA blc/trc outstring += " [" + quantity_to_string(blc["direction"]["m0"], "rad") + ", " outstring += quantity_to_string(trc["direction"]["m0"], "rad") + "]" # Dec blc/trc outstring += " [" + quantity_to_string(blc["direction"]["m1"], "rad") + ", " outstring += quantity_to_string(trc["direction"]["m1"], "rad") + "]" # frequency blc/trc freq = blc["spectral"]['frequency']['refer'] + " " freq += quantity_to_string(blc["spectral"]["frequency"]["m0"], "Hz", False) outstring += " ['" + freq + "', '" + freq + "']" # Stokes blc/trc outstring += " ['" + blc["stokes"] + "', '" + trc["stokes"] + "']" # add the mask flag outstring += " " + str(1) f.write(outstring + "\n")"Wrote " + str(totregions) + " regions to file " + regionfile, 'INFO') if writemask: myia.fromimage(infile=imagename, outfile=maskname, overwrite=True) myia.done() myia.putchunk(outputmask) myia.done() f.close() return True except Exception, instance: str( '*** Error *** ') + str(instance), 'SEVERE') raise finally: if myia: myia.done() def quantity_to_string(quantity, unit=None, quotes=True): if unit != None: quantity = qa.convert(quantity, unit) string = str(quantity['value']) + quantity['unit'] if quotes: string = "'" + string + "'" return string def find_nearby_island_pixels(island, mask, pos, xmax, ymax, diag): # blank this position so we don't deal with it again mask[pos] = False xref = pos[0] yref = pos[1] for x in range(max(xref-1, 0), min(xref+2, xmax)): for y in range(max(yref-1, 0), min(yref+2, ymax)): if x == xref and y == yref: # same position as reference continue if ( (not diag) and (x-xref != 0) and (y-yref != 0)): # diagonal pixels only used if diag is true continue if mask[x][y]: # found another pixel in this island island['box'][0] = min(island['box'][0],x) island['box'][1] = min(island['box'][1],y) island['box'][2] = max(island['box'][2],x) island['box'][3] = max(island['box'][3],y) island['npix'] += 1 # look for island pixels next to this one find_nearby_island_pixels(island, mask, (x,y), xmax, ymax, diag) return