<title>AIPS++ to CASA Migration</title>
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<h2>For AIPS++ Developers:</h2>
Rename your existing AIPS++ development tree and create a new
The root of the AIPS++ tree has been renamed to <tt>casa</tt>.
You can choose to keep your old root directory or to create a new root
directory <tt>casa</tt> like:
You will need to create a new local developer tree via mktree.cvs after
the local sitemanager has done a new inhale to convert to the "CASA" module.
Once you have created the new casa based code tree, copy any files you
are working on into the appropriate directory.
The following list gives the new packages and the modules they contain:
casa=BasicSL Arrays Containers Exceptions IO Inputs OS Utilities System BasicMath Quanta Logging
scimath=Deconvolution Fitting Functionals Mathematics
measures=Measures TableMeasures
lattices=Lattices LatticeMath
components=ComponentModels SpectralComponents
dish=SDCalibration SDIterators
synthesis=DataSampling IDL MeasurementComponents MeasurementEquations Parallel
tasking=Benchmarks Glish Guiutils Tasking Widgets
All DO source files and glish scripts have been moved from the
'package'/implement/'module' directory to