1. casa
  2. casa6


SourceDescriptionSizeLast Modified
AboutDialog.ccMove gcwrap and code to casa52.07 KB
AboutDialog.qo.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)1.54 KB
AboutDialog.uiMove gcwrap and code to casa55.83 KB
ColorProvider.hMove gcwrap and code to casa51.41 KB
CurveDisplay.ccMove gcwrap and code to casa51.71 KB
CurveDisplay.hMove gcwrap and code to casa51.72 KB
ExternalAxis.ccMove gcwrap and code to casa51.51 KB
ExternalAxis.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)1.73 KB
ExternalAxisControl.ccconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)6.10 KB
ExternalAxisControl.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)2.41 KB
ExternalAxisControlBottom.ccconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)4.19 KB
ExternalAxisControlBottom.hMove gcwrap and code to casa51.75 KB
ExternalAxisControlLeft.ccconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)4.62 KB
ExternalAxisControlLeft.hMove gcwrap and code to casa51.81 KB
ExternalAxisControlRight.ccconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)5.33 KB
ExternalAxisControlRight.hMove gcwrap and code to casa51.87 KB
Feather.qrcMove gcwrap and code to casa5441 B
FeatherCurve.ccconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)9.55 KB
FeatherCurve.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)3.55 KB
FeatherCurveType.hMove gcwrap and code to casa53.45 KB
FeatherDataType.hMove gcwrap and code to casa51.85 KB
FeatheredData.ccrefactor changes (CAS-13054)2.44 KB
FeatheredData.hrefactor changes (CAS-13054)2.10 KB
FeatherMain.ccMove gcwrap and code to casa520.12 KB
FeatherMain.qo.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)3.73 KB
FeatherMain.uiMove gcwrap and code to casa514.24 KB
FeatherManager.ccMove gcwrap and code to casa515.14 KB
FeatherManager.qo.hMove gcwrap and code to casa55.41 KB
FeatherPlot.ccconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)13.30 KB
FeatherPlot.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)3.89 KB
FeatherPlotWidget.ccrefactor changes (CAS-13054)24.65 KB
FeatherPlotWidget.qo.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)6.07 KB
FeatherPlotWidget.uiMove gcwrap and code to casa51002 B
FeatherPlotWidgetScatter.ccrefactor changes (CAS-13054)12.58 KB
FeatherPlotWidgetScatter.hMove gcwrap and code to casa52.79 KB
FeatherPlotWidgetSlice.ccMove gcwrap and code to casa55.56 KB
FeatherPlotWidgetSlice.hMove gcwrap and code to casa52.25 KB
FeatherPreferences.ccMove gcwrap and code to casa59.03 KB
FeatherPreferences.qo.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)2.89 KB
FeatherPreferences.uiMove gcwrap and code to casa516.47 KB
FeatherThread.ccMove gcwrap and code to casa511.91 KB
FeatherThread.hMove gcwrap and code to casa53.43 KB
FileLoader.ccMove gcwrap and code to casa511.03 KB
FileLoader.qo.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)2.55 KB
FileLoader.uiMove gcwrap and code to casa510.80 KB
LegendCurve.ccconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)1.65 KB
LegendCurve.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)1.90 KB
LegendItemRect.ccMove gcwrap and code to casa51.78 KB
LegendItemRect.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)1.99 KB
OverWriteFileDialog.ccMove gcwrap and code to casa53.02 KB
OverWriteFileDialog.qo.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)1.93 KB
OverWriteFileDialog.uiMove gcwrap and code to casa53.54 KB
PlotHolder.ccMove gcwrap and code to casa515.10 KB
PlotHolder.qo.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)4.23 KB
PlotHolder.uiMove gcwrap and code to casa5409 B
PreferencesColor.ccMove gcwrap and code to casa518.43 KB
PreferencesColor.qo.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)2.78 KB
PreferencesColor.uiMove gcwrap and code to casa521.79 KB
PreferencesFunction.ccMove gcwrap and code to casa53.70 KB
PreferencesFunction.qo.hconvert casa5 to Qt project file naming (CAS-12970)1.90 KB
PreferencesFunction.uiMove gcwrap and code to casa51.74 KB

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