# This script is intended to be run as part of the cmake for the code project.
# It will download, build and install the google test library for use in
# test written using that framework.
# The source directory for Google Test will be code/gtest. It will contain
# a single subdirectory (googletest-release-1.7.0 at this writing) which is
# the is the root of the exploded tar file. The source directory will be
# added as a subdirectory of the project and thus contain a CMakeLists.txt
# file. This is created from the template file GoogleTestInstall.in.
# The header files needed for unit test compilation will remain in
# the include folder of the release (i.e., they are not installed as other
# CASA include files are).
# As configured CMakeLists.txt file will create a corresponding binary directory
# (e.g., code/build/gtest). The static libraray, libgtest.a, will be located
# there for use in building unit tests. The library is actually built as part
# of the "make" process and the compilation should be using all the same settings
# as the other C++ files in code.
# The google test configuration will only be performed if the code/gtest directory
# is not present; thus to get a clean redo, that directory must first be removed.
# This framework was constructed 8 October 2015 when the current version of
# google test was 1.7.0 and recently relocated onto github. The archive is
# found in the "release" section of the google/googletest repo.
# Only the GtestVersion line below should require changing when upgrading
# to a later gtest release
set (GoogleTest_Version "1.7.0")
set (CasaCodeSourceRoot ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR})
set (GoogleTest_Root ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gtest)
set (GoogleTest_ReleaseArchive
set (GoogleTest_ArchiveFile "googletest-release-${GoogleTest_Version}.tar.gz")
set (GoogleTest_ReleaseRoot ${GoogleTest_Root}/googletest-release-${GoogleTest_Version}
CACHE STRING "Root of Google Test source")
set (GoogleTest_LibraryDir ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gtest CACHE STRING "Location of libgtest.a")
set (GoogleTest_Target "libgtest" CACHE STRING "Target building Google Test library")
message ("-- Google Test installation commencing ...")
if (NOT EXISTS ${GoogleTest_Root})
execute_process (COMMAND mkdir ${GoogleTest_Root}
if (NOT ${status} EQUAL 0)
message (SEND_ERROR "*** Failed to create Google Test directory: ${GoogleTest_Root}")