from taskinit import tbtool, me
def dict_to_table(indict, tablepath, kwkeys=[], colkeys=[], info=None, keepcolorder=False):
Converts a dictionary to a CASA table, and attempts to
save it to tablepath. Returns whether or not it was successful.
kwkeys is a list of keys in dict that should be treated as table keywords,
and colkeys is a list of keys to be treated as table columns. If a key in
indict is not in either kwkeys or colkeys, it will be appended to colkeys
if it refers to a list, array, or specially formed dict with the right
number of rows, or kwkeys otherwise.
"Specially formed dict" means a python dictionary with the right keys to
provide a comment and/or keywords to specify a (measure) frame or
(quantity) unit for the column.
The number of rows is set by the first column. The order of the columns is
the order of colkeys, followed by the remaining columns in alphabetical
mydict = {'delta': [1.2866, 1.2957, 1.3047],
'obs_code': ['*', 'U', 't'],
'date': {'m0': {'unit': 'd',
'value': [55317.0, 55318.0, 55319.0]},
'phang': {'comment': 'phase angle',
'value': array([37.30, 37.33, 37.36])}}}
# Produces a table with, in order, a measure column (date), two bare
# columns (delta and obs_code), and a commented quantity column (phang).
# The comment goes in the 'comment' field of the column description.
# Measure and straight array columns can also be described by using a
# {'comment': (description), 'data': (measure, quantity, numpy.array or
dict_to_table(mydict, '')
TODO: detect non-float data types, including array cells.
Given a col that could be a bare column (list or array), or measure or
quantity containing a bare column, return the bare column.
if hasattr(barecol, 'has_key'):
if barecol.has_key('comment'):
barecol = barecol.get('data')
if type(barecol)==dict and me.ismeasure(barecol):