from casatasks.private.casa_transition import is_CASA6
if is_CASA6:
from casatools import ctsys
def write_history(myms, vis, tname, param_names, param_vals, myclog=None, debug=False):
Update vis with the parameters that task tname was called with.
myms - an ms tool instance
vis - the MS to write to.
tname - name of the calling task.
param_names - list of parameter names.
param_vals - list of parameter values (in the same order as param_names).
myclog - a casalog instance (optional)
debug - Turns on debugging print statements on errors if True.
The end of split does
In python 2.x:
param_names = split.func_code.co_varnames[:split.func_code.co_argcount]
param_vals = [eval(p) for p in param_names] # Must be done in the task.
In python 3.x:
vars = locals( )
param_names = split.__code__.co_varnames[:split.__code__.co_argcount]
param_vals = [vars[p] for p in param_names] # Must be done in the task.
write_history(myms, outputvis, 'split', param_names, param_vals,
which appends, e.g.,
vis = ''
outputvis = ''
datacolumn = 'data'
field = ''
spw = ''
width = 1
antenna = ''
timebin = '0s'
timerange = ''
scan = '9'
intent = ''
array = ''
uvrange = ''
correlation = ''
keepflags = True
to the HISTORY of outputvis.
if not hasattr(myms, 'writehistory'):
if debug:"write_history(myms, %s, %s): myms is not an ms tool" % (vis, tname), 'WARN')
return False
retval = True
isopen = False
if not myclog and hasattr(casalog, 'post'):
myclog = casalog
except Exception:
try:, nomodify=False)
isopen = True
messages = ['taskname={0}'.format(tname)]
vestr = 'version: '
if is_CASA6:
vestr += ctsys.version_string( ) + ' '
vestr += ctsys.version_desc( )
vestr += casa['build']['version'] + ' '
vestr += casa['source']['url'].split('/')[-2]
vestr += ' rev. ' + casa['source']['revision']
vestr += ' ' + casa['build']['time']
except Exception:
if hasattr(myclog, 'version'):
vestr += myclog.version()
vestr += ' could not be determined'
for argnum in range(len(param_names)):
msg = "%-11s = " % param_names[argnum]