Antenna configuration of ACA 7-m array [''|'cycle1'|'i'|'ns']
Available configurations are:
* '' (default) : automatically defines based on antennalist.
If antennalist is Cycle-1 configuration, acaconfig='cycle1'.
* 'cycle1' : Cycle-1 ACA-7m configuration. Uses 'aca_cycle1.cfg'.
* 'i' : Normal ACA configuration in full operation. Uses 'aca.i.cfg'.
* 'ns': North-South extended configuration in full operation. Uses 'aca.ns.cfg'.
Ratio of the total observation time of ACA relative to that of 12m array.
Set 0 for no ACA observation.
For Cycle-1 with ACA, set acaratio = 3.
""" Cumulative table timescale when creating from scratch. This is the sampling
interval upon which to accumulate *if* an input calibration table (tablein)
has not been specified. [units=seconds] """
addwn -- additional wave number(s) of sinusoids to be used
(list) and (int) are accepted to specify every
wave numbers. also (str) can be used in case
you need to specify wave numbers in a certain range,
example: 'a-b' (= a, a+1, a+2, ..., b-1, b),
'<a' (= 0,1,...,a-2,a-1),
'>=a' (= a, a+1, ... up to the maximum wave
number corresponding to the Nyquist
frequency for the case of FFT).
default: 'csclean'; example: alg='clark';
Options: 'clark','hogbom','csclean'
csclean is Cotton-Schwab and cleans entire image
hogbom and clark clean inner quarter of image
algorithm -- autoflag algorithm name
options: 'timemed','freqmed','uvbin','sprej'
column -- the column on which to operate (DATA, CORRECTED, MODEL)
expr -- expression to use
default: 'ABS I'; example: expr='RE XX'
Options: 'ABS','ARG','RE','IM','NORM' + ' ' + 'I','XX','YY','RR','LL'
thr -- flagging threshold as a multiple of standard-deviation ( n sigma )
window -- half width for sliding window median filters
antenna -- Select data by antenna/baseline
default: 0 for sdimaging, '' (means all) for the other tasks
Non-negative integers are assumed to be antenna indices, and
anything else is taken as an antenna name.
antenna='5&6': baseline between antenna index 5 and index 6.
antenna='VA05&VA06': baseline between VLA antenna 5 and 6.
antenna='5&6:7&8': baselines 5-6 and 7-8
antenna='5': all baselines with antenna 5
antenna='5,6,10': all baselines including antennas 5, 6, or 10
antenna='5,6,10&': all baselines with *only* antennas 5, 6, or 10
(cross-correlations only. Use && to include
autocorrelations, and &&& to get only
antenna='!ea03,ea12,ea17': all baselines except those that include