from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
def plotsrcazel(planet='', srcfile='', date='', obs='ALMA', plotsun=False, plottype='', saveplot='', elimit='3.0deg'):
plot Azimuth/elevation track of a source (or list of sources)
on given date. For solar system objects known to Measures(this excludes minor planets, Jovian moons, etc),
name is sufficient but for other sources
RAs and Decs are required.
planet - a planet (optional)
srcfile - (optional) An ascii file with source_name coordinates (J2000) seperated by
a white space. A line with '#' will be skipped.
The solar system can also be include without coodinates.
0423-013 4h23m0s -1d20m0s
date - 'YYYY/MM/DD' if not specified it will be prompted to enter later
obs - observatory name (ALMA,EVLA,etc)
plotsun - True will plot the Sun also
plottype - Az, El, or both (if left blank it will ask to enter later)
saveplot - save to the plot to ps file with the name specified in this paramter
elimit - draw horizontal line to indicate elevation limit.
plotsrcazel('Uranus') # enter date, plottype when prompted
plotsrcazel(planet='Uranus', date='2012/06/01', plottype='both')
plotsrcazel(planet='Uranus', srcfile='calandtarget.txt') #plot Uranus and sources defined
version 2015.05.06 TT -Minor fixes to be able run on current casa
inpd=raw_input('date? YYYY/MM/DD or hit return to use today\'s date:')
date=qa.time('today', form=['ymd','no_time'])[0]
intz=raw_input('Show in UTC, CLT,or LST? ')
check_intz = [intz.upper()==tl for tl in ['UTC','CLT','LST']]