## $Id:$
# Test Name: #
# Regression Test Script for accum () #
# #
# Rationale for Inclusion: #
# It ensures that the task is working properly. #
# #
# Features tested: #
# 1) Is the task working properly? #
# 2) Is the task producing the same results as the reference? #
# The script will as well test the following features: #
# #
# Input Data Process Output Data #
# ngc5921.fits ---> importuvfits ----> #
# | #
# v #
# | #
# v #
# setjy ----> #
# | #
# v #
# gaincal ----> #
# apply the gain solution using solution interval per integration #
# | #
# v #
# gaincal ----> ngc1333.scan.gcal #
# apply the gain solution using solution interval infinite (up to the #
# boundaries #
# | #
# v #
# gaincal ----> ngc1333.rint.gcal #
# apply the gain solution using the previous scan gain table, but using #
# solution interval per integration #
# | #
# v #
# accum ------> ngc1333.acc1.gcal #
# accumulate the first time, using the scan table as the gain table #
# | #
# v #
# accum ------> ngc1333.acc2.gcal #
# accumulate the second time, using the relative int table as the gain #
# table. This last table will be compared with the first gain table #
# #
# #
# Input data: #
# ngc5921.fits #
# #
# Note: all input data have relative paths to the local directory #
import os
import time
import regression_utility as tstutl
from __main__ import default
from tasks import *
from taskinit import *
import traceback
# Enable benchmarking?
benchmarking = True