pl.text(0.05,0.95,"min=%7.1e\nmax=%7.1e\nRMS=%7.1e\n%s" % (im_min,im_max,im_rms,imunit),transform = ax.transAxes,bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.7),size="x-small",verticalalignment="top")
from __future__ import absolute_import
from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile
import scipy.special as spspec
import scipy.signal as spsig
import scipy.interpolate as spintrp
from collections import OrderedDict
from casatasks.private.casa_transition import is_CASA6
from casatools import table, image, imagepol, regionmanager, calibrater, measures, quanta, coordsys, componentlist, simulator, synthesisutils
from casatasks import casalog, tclean
from casatasks.private.cleanhelper import cleanhelper
from tclean import tclean
_su = casac.synthesisutils( )
def is_array_type(value):
array_type = [list, tuple, pl.ndarray]
if type(value) in array_type:
def get_taskstr(taskname, params):
Returns a task call string.
taskname : task name string
params : a dictionary of parameter (key) and value pairs.
get_taskstr('mytask', {'vis': '', 'factor': 2.0})
returns a string, 'mytask(vis='', factor=2.0)'
for key, val in params.items():
out += (key + "=" + __get_str(val) + sep)
return ( out.rstrip(sep) + ")" )
if type(paramval) == str:
return ("'%s'" % paramval)
def __init__(self, maxval=100):
def generate(self,maxval):
n2 = int(log(float(maxval))/log(2.0) + 1) +1
n3 = int(log(float(maxval))/log(3.0) + 1) +1
n5 = int(log(float(maxval))/log(5.0) + 1) +1