from __future__ import absolute_import
from casatasks.private.casa_transition import *
from . import partitionhelper as ph
from .parallel.parallel_task_helper import ParallelTaskHelper
from .mslisthelper import check_mslist, sort_mslist
from .mstools import write_history
from casatools import calibrater, quanta
from casatools import ms as mstool
from casatools import table as tbtool
from casatasks import casalog
from mstools import write_history
import partitionhelper as ph
from parallel.parallel_task_helper import ParallelTaskHelper
from recipes.mslisthelper import check_mslist, sort_mslist
def virtualconcat(vislist,concatvis,freqtol,dirtol,respectname,
Concatenate visibility data sets creating a Multi-MS.
Combine the input datasets into a Multi-MS.
NOTE: The input datasets are moved into the Multi-MS and may be modified
to account for subtable reference changes.
If none of the input MSs have any scratch columns, none are created.
Otherwise scratch columns are created and initialized in those MSs
which don't have a complete set.
vis -- Name of input visibility files (MS)
default: none; example: vis=['', '']
concatvis -- Name of the output visibility file
default: none; example: concatvis=''
freqtol -- Frequency shift tolerance for considering data as the same spwid
default: '' means always combine
example: freqtol='10MHz' will not combine spwid unless they are
dirtol -- Direction shift tolerance for considering data as the same field
default: ;; means always combine
example: dirtol='1.arcsec' will not combine data for a field unless
their phase center is less than 1 arcsec.
respectname -- If true, fields with a different name are not merged even if their
direction agrees (within dirtol)
visweightscale -- list of the weight scales to be applied to the individual MSs
default: [] (don't modify weights, equivalent to setting scale to 1 for each MS)